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#100: Happy Ending?

47 thoughts on “#100: Happy Ending?

  1. Oh thank God, something that looks vaugely like a chance at happiness for someone. Hallelujah. Now, how is the fairy going to make it all go horribly wrong…?

  2. Welcome back Marie.

    The magic this Farie performs doesn’t have to go wrong.
    It’s more of a guideline than a rule.

    1. Happy #100.

      1. Indeed! Glad to see this wonderful strip reaching triple digits (and beyond?) Happy 100th!

    2. Oh hell, when I read that “it’s more of a guideline than a rule” bit, I had the voice of Captain Barbosa from the Pirates of the Carribean movies in my head. 😀

      On a sidenote, it’s nice to see Marie all prettied up ‘n’ stuff. 🙂

  3. So, as somewhat predicted, Thane did help her, if only to satisfy. At least now the fairy is not quite as mean as we were left to believe.

    1. I’ve only seen her be mean to 2 people. Mostly they seem to deserve it with the way they act though.

      1. Well, it’s not like these two are complaining TOO much about it now.

  4. I still think she didn’t need the make over, I thought Marie looked beautiful as she was.

    1. >I still think she didn’t need the make over, I thought Marie looked beautiful as she was.

      Marie, however, felt differently.
      And that’s what counts.

      1. alexander hollins

        Bingo. I also preferred the old marie, and anyone who suggested to her face that she was ugly needs a bitchslap, but if that’s how she wants to look, thats how she wants to look. (I do think it would be cooler if the spell turned women into THEIR idea of beauty though. Perhaps having made the ork woman MORE hideous to our eyes)

      2. Yeah, mr. hollins said it best there.

        I’d also like to chip in that THIS MAKES THE MIRROR HAPPY TOO. ;v;

      3. I would’ve stopped her at panel 2 personally. But, yes. 🙂

  5. Thanks Jaycee and W. This is exactly what I was waiting to see. Well played! Also, Faeries make mischief…not all mischief is bad! 🙂

  6. Faerie as a rule aren’t ALL douchbags…I’m pretty certain once all the fun is to be had they can thank the entertaining parties. >:D

    1. My personal take of it is that the farie’s attitude depends on her age.

      A young faerie treats her power over humans(*) as a new shiny toy with lots of options and possibilities but without an instruction manual — something to play with, explore and have fun with. Compare it if you will to a young child that was never bitten by an insect playing with one.

      An old(er) faerie, that has already “been there, done that” countless times, may become jaded. They are not actively trying to cause harm but rather have a “I’ve had it with your kind, go away and stay away” attitude.

      IMHO, of course.

      (*) Faerie magic has also affected Gustav the horse and the magic mirror but it seems that humans are the preferred target.

  7. And now… there are two women who look the same. Trrrrouble…

    Please note the faerie is being nice to the mirror, an object of magic, and not to any of the humans. The last nice thing I can remember it doing for a human was untying Heather in Albert’s body.

    1. Indeed!

      I do wonder how her having a twin will go down.

    2. > And now… there are two women who look the same. Trrrrouble…

      Similar, but not identical. Marie’s facial features look more delicate.

  8. Congrats on #100. And on my birthday, coincidentally.

    1. Well, many happy returns to you, Alaska.

  9. Nothing says that fairies can’t do something nice for a human. But in order to get a favor you really have to do one for them first.

    And so far none of the primary characters have manage to get themselves on Attitudes “good” side. Even then given their mercurial temperment, staying on that side is not guarenteed.

    1. I… don’t think that’s Attitude.

      1. Yeah, it really isn’t.


  10. Good for you Marie!

  11. I gotta admit – both Maries look great. But…I’m wondering where this is going with Albert, as this is who he remembers…

  12. Thane seems to be enjoying himself now.

  13. I’d only say it would be a full happy ending if the Albert can grow up again so Marie can enjoy it. lol

    Then again, if that happens, he may get an even bigger happy ending with a threesome with Marie’s new ‘twin sister.’ That or Thane will get a foursome soon with the Maries and Heather. lol

    1. In terms of the comic, I don’t think Thane and Heahter should ever meet. I think it more funny if they continue to be two separate (but intertwining) stories in the bloomingfaeries universe.

      As for the Prince, I think if he grows up, he has the potential to be a polar opposite of Heather. He only seems to act the way he does because Heather abuses him and the fact that he is immature. Heather will always be what she is but young prince Albert has potential to be a true honorable nobleman. So because of that I hope he never “grows up” because he is definitely more fun as he is now.

      As for Thane, a foursome would be nice but I feel there is more in store for him, maybe the return of Baby, or some other situation that only Attitude can imagine happening to him now that she and Thane have crossed paths again.

      1. Actually, Albert seems to be just as bad as Heather.

        Plus, Heather’s last few appearances shows that she isn’t all bad.

    2. If Albert is artificially aged, it will mean depriving him of part of his lifespan. Not to mention some of the formative years he needs to make the transition from child to young adult…

    3. Unlikely, since Marie’s “Twin” probably is still into girls and mainly wants to get in Heather’s pants.

      And i don’t think Albert becomes an Adult via magic again, the would rob him of his childhood and wouldn’t have matured.

      Plus, no one would believe the new Adult is Alber amd might get kicked out.

      1. > Marie’s “Twin” probably is still into girls and mainly wants to get in Heather’s pants.

        You’re damn right I am 🙂

        And i don’t think Albert becomes an Adult via magic again, the would rob him of his childhood and wouldn’t have matured.

        Plus, no one would believe the new Adult is Alber amd might get kicked out.

        Which can be an interesting story Arc in itself.

        Consider: Albert gets an adult body but still has the emotional maturity of a brat. He gets kicked out of the castle and has to live in a “real” world for a while, experiencing its hardships. This provides him with a (much needed) perspective, leading to the development of compassion, empathy, respect (for women in particular) and, dare I say it?, wisdom.

        All this leads him to realize that his feelings for the young Marie were nothing more than hormone-induced lust and infatuation.

        He is then allowed to regain his childhood and live out his natural lifespan to the fullest (no shortcuts) but with the advantage of his newly-gained experience.

        I, for one, think that “wise beyond his years Albert” can be — if handled right — at least as interesting as “bratty Albert”. That said, the “bratty Albert” theme is nowhere near exhausted.

        1. I second everything Lurker posted. Well said.

        2. The only caveat is that Wondollar and I want to stay completely away from involving children in sexual acts, EVEN if the body gets matured. A child’s mind remains a child’s mind.

          (That’s why Albert was a FULL adult when he was transformed, and why he doesn’t remember much of it. Unlike Marie.)


  14. Correct me if I’m wrong…but aren’t there THREE potions and the last one is yet to be “tested”? This could end two ways: Horribly (like the mirror’s “wish” for Marie) or down right AWESOME like BABYZ (after Thane had “his way with her”).

    1. I think you got that backwards…Baby had HER way with HIM!

      1. I put it in quotes. lol

  15. I have mixed feelings about this. “Really, Really, Sorry” was art. Heartbreaking art. This resolution is too easy, it cheapens the character a little. Maybe I just like tragedy more than most people…

    1. I understand how you feel about it. I’ve long debated (as mentioned in the Members Area — hint hint!) about this resolution. This strip has always been about comedy and sexy stuff, not drama, so that’s part of why this resolution won out in the end. My original intent, with “Really, Really Sorry!” was to make a point on drama, but I never meant this strip to be tragedy. Marie is a surprisingly popular character among the readers, though, and I kinda felt really bad about that strip. Thus this one, to atone for my earlier sin. 🙂

      But who knows what’s in store for Marie, now that she got what she wanted…


  16. Okay, I think I need to speak up. Is there any chance the “Happy Ending” can be referring to her “finish”, not that this is the end of her story? Everyone is so focused on wanting more, they miss the joke of the title.

  17. One down,.. three to go,..

    Thank you for this.

    (Always nice to see one in the win collumn,..)

  18. So aren’t the princess and the lurker who is recently turned female heading to that exact room?

    Interesting turn of events seem to be unfolding…

    1. I wonder if strip 99 panel 4 and strip 100 panel 2 are occurring at the same instant.

      They may look identical PLUS share some kind of telepathic link.

      If they were to with each other, the feedback would be incredible.

  19. I just noticed this… The dude (thane… Isn’t it?) his legs look wierd in the first panel. Mind explaining W’s preference for disembodied legs?

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