Blog Characters

Jaycee Author of this website, Jaycee is the frequent victim of a resident faerie who has taken up residence in his apartment. She regularly inflicts sexual curses upon him that wreak havoc with his personal and professional life
Attitude Jaycee’s faerie, “Attitude” makes it her mission in life to inflict sexual curses upon unsuspecting humans. “Attitude” is only a nickname reflecting  her… well, attitude in general; her real name is unknown.
Mandy Jaycee’s original girlfriend, Mandy was turned into a sexual predator by Attitude a few years ago. She remained this way until a mysterious event changed her life and she turned to religion for salvation. That, however, did not sit well with Attitude and she returned to her predatory ways, until Attitude recently removed her curses.
Lana One of Jaycee’s most recent girlfriends, Lana was an innocent waitress given a mild curse by Attitude: her normally insensitive nipples were swapped with the overly sensitive ones of her friend Cathy — with interesting effects when Cathy was breastfeeding her newborn baby or having sex with her husband…
Brooke Jaycee’s (former?) best friend and wingman, Brooke was originally a male pickup artist. Recently, Attitude transfered all of the curses she had put on Mandy to Brooke and turned him into an amazing-looking woman. He’s still adjusting to this condition and isn’t quite sure if he ever WAS a man…
Morgan Jaycee’s boss at his recent job, Morgan has been displaying erratic (and highly sexual) behavior around Jaycee. Through overt (and apparently uncontrollable) sexual overtures, she has recently been the cause of a dramatic breakup between Jaycee and Lana.

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