Blog: A New Thrall (IIIb)

Karine showed up at around 4PM at the café, a bit red faced and embarrassed. She apologized for being late and we got to business right away. Even though she was wearing one of those big thick wool shirt designed to keep warm and hide her assets, I could tell from her aura that she was aroused. Since she was late, I couldn’t help get a little playful and pretend to take advantage of the situation. As we finished signing the documents and were ready to part ways, she apologized again for being late. I shook her hand and sent a spontaneous sexual shiver between legs and smiled.

“It’s a bummer, that’s the last time I see you, right?”

She paused, her eyes fluttering.

“N-no, not really, I’ll be there every step of the way if you need anything.”

I gave her “the look” and wiggled my eyebrows.

“Aaaaaaanything?” I asked.

I sent more heat through her. She stammered and blushed some more, still holding my hand but no longer shaking it. Her touch shifted to something… softer.

“I… I guess so,” she replied with a small voice.

I let go of her hand and walked away, but kept cranking up her arousal. I barely heard her repressed whimper, but I knew the heat had to be driving her insane and she had to be squirming to control her pleasure.

By now, she’s probably thinking she’s inexplicably attracted to me and wondering how to get me in bed.

Got a few ideas about that. I’ll be seeing her again, I’m sure…

“I’m doing it.”

One thought on “Blog: A New Thrall (IIIb)

  1. Character Jaycee (as opposed to writer Jaycee) may end up transforming into the setting’s first seen male faerie yet…

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