Farewell Zuri, Hello Meghan?

As I said last week, Zuri was leaving the country this week. And now she’s gone, and I kind of miss her. In this dark time, she was a good friend to me, even though we haven’t know each other very long. We promised each other we’d stay in touch, but I think we both know these are good intentions that are going to fade once she arrives to her new destination.

Meghan left me a strange message today. She wants us to meet for lunch tomorrow. Wouldn’t tell me anything about that. I’m sharpening my nastiest barbs for the event.

Will let you know how it turns out.


3 thoughts on “Farewell Zuri, Hello Meghan?

  1. Meghan has never been your typical girl right from the first moment you met her. Taking that into consideration what you might want to ask yourself is this: Did you ever explicitly establish a rule about dating exclusivity with her? Sure, with most people that might be a given, but Meghan is clearly not most girls. It sounds to me like the two of you may have gone into this relationship with differing expectations in that regard, and that difference came to the surface in the worst possible way. Of course I know Meghan even less than I know you, so this is just a guess. All I’m saying is maybe you owe it to her to hear her side of things before you go making things worse than they already are.

  2. Your nastiest barbs? What are you twelve, be an adult or don’t meet her.

  3. Luna, you sure make a good point. Honestly, though, I think (in retrospect) that I’m more bothered by the way she’s been avoiding me completely than I am by the betrayal (it’s still a betrayal to me, no matter what). If she didn’t know my expectations before, she knew them after the whole thing exploded. I think the way she’s been avoiding me is cowardice.

    This said, I can get over this. I can get over her. Been there, done that. The worst part of it all is Brooke, not Meghan. When I think *I* was avoiding making moves on Zuri because of him, and because of Meghan, I feel sick to my stomach. I wish there was something I could do to retaliate, but I don’t know where to start.

    From my meeting with Meg, I suspect Attitude has done something to her. Though it doesn’t look like much of a punishment to me.

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