Jenny Poussin!

I went to the Ottawa Pop Expo last weekend, figuring I’d get a small dose of geekness and check out the guests, cosplayers and attend a few panels. There were a number of apparently famous Montreal cosplaying beauties walking around the con (girls like Bianca Beauchamp, Ariane St-Amour, Marie-Claude Bourbonnais, etc.), but I didn’t expect to run into one of my fantasy pin-up girls: Jenny Poussin herself. I’m not sure if she was dressed as a character from a particular show, but she was wearing a small (undersized!) white blouse, a plaid skirt, and a loose tie around her neck. She was a vision of hotness. (I mean that in more ways than one—thanks to my faerie sight, I was able to notice a fairly high level of arousal, like a 6 or 7 out of 10, just from the attention she was getting from the drooling fans flocking around her. Most girls don’t get past 3 or 4 in these situations.) She is a naughty girl indeed!

Seeing as I was accompanied by Minx (who had expressed some curiosity about cosplayers), I tried being careful about my thoughts, but I must’ve had a quick thought about “getting my hands on those puppies” or something like that. Minx bounced up and down on my shoulder and, doing a Jeannie impression (she’s been watching WAY too much of that show lately), she folded her arms and nodded vigorously. “Wish GRANTED!” she shouted, laughing. (To people around, she probably just looked like some toy butterfly on my shoulder—nothing THAT unusual or noteworthy at a geek convention.)

And just like that, the lovely Miss Poussin lost control of her hands. She stared in shock as she bared her breasts, then started fondling herself. Immediately, her arousal shot up, despite (or perhaps because of) being in public. I wanted to glare at Minx and reprimand her for doing this, but frankly, Jenny Poussin is way to hawt for me to miss out on this. And so I watched, noticing she got past a “9” on the horny scale. That’s when she raced for the bathroom, with Minx  chasing her through the convention hall. I tried to follow, but quickly lost them when they entered the ladies’ restrooms.

About fifteen minutes later, Jenny came out, looking in control again. Her hair was a bit of a mess, but she looked otherwise fine. I did a quick check and noticed her arousal was down to a “2” now. Minx reappeared and landed on my shoulder. She whispered into my ear, “She totally did it with this other girl. You would’ve liked it, it was pretty sexy.”


“I’m doing it.”

P.S.: just in case you don’t believe me, here’s a pic (bigger version available in the members area).


15 thoughts on “Jenny Poussin!

  1. (Do you have to get Ms. Poussin’s permission to use her name and image?)

    Don’t knock ‘I dream of Jeannie’, Jaycee. If nothing else, that show promotes a positive relationship between humans and magical creatures… Would you prefer that Minx were watching Russ Meyer-movies? You wouldn’t be able to go to the corner store without random women throwing you on the ground and raping you.

    I know that’s a fetish for some, but I doubt the reality would be as much fun as the fantasy. Not to mention the fact you’d probably wind up on YouTube, and maybe even in jail, if the woman who jumps you turns out to have a husband with a slick lawyer…

    1. (Miss Poussin is totally down with any and all fantasies & perversions involving her image. She’s a total sweetheart about it. She occasionally drops by this site, so she may even confirm this herself.)

      And I’m not knocking down IDoJ, I love that show. I just think Minx’s fascination with it borders on the obsessive. But you may be right, maybe she’ll use this as a role model. I’m personally no longer affected by faerie magic (not to a significant degree), so your example doesn’t really apply to me, but I get your point.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. As Attitude demonstrated, faeries can still make your life hell by affecting the people around you. You may have partial immunity to magic, but you haven’t become Superman. ^^;

  2. Thank you.

    1. You’re quite welcome, though I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been an issue.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. It was one for me. ^^; I was so embarrassed…

        1. The resident faeries saw your comments. Minx thought you were adooooooorable. Attitude just rolled her eyes.

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. Heh. Tell Minx I said hi. Tell Attitude I said I wished she was still gone – and preferably locked up in a dungeon by the Unknown Faerie somewhere. 😉

        3. Please ask Attitude to snap a picture (or better yet, a video) of what she’ll be doing to Gallstone.

        4. You’re just ALL HEART, buddy… :p

          Anyway, the little stinkbug would have to find me, first, which I have no intention of making easy for her.

  3. Hmmm, if she had had a red wig, she might have been cosplaying as “Brittany” from Chaos Campus: Sorority Girls vs. Zombies (but not sure if Britts wears a tie)

    1. … Huh. o_o *blink* This is actually a thing. Which exists. I had no idea…

  4. jenny is indeed down for using her likeness, but only if you credit her appropriately, and be damned positive about it. I was working with her a while back and she has hidden herself away from time to time due to a few people saying horrible things about her, and she focuses on them, unfortunately, rather than the great stuff tons of us say about her! love her though! absolutely! xoxo

  5. Holy Cats! (its ironic because they are cats…) I had no idea you were Ottawa based. You should check out Kudrel on facebook. She is also Ottawa based and her costumes are really great. I’m just up the road. Love your work. Cheers.

    1. I’m not Ottawa based, I’m (now) located in Montreal (not that far). Will check Kudrel, thanks.

      “I’m doing it.”

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