New Members Forums

For those of you who are members (and if you’re not, what are you WAITING for???), I’ve changed the forums, hopefully for the better!

I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to let me know about the problem. I was using Google Chrome, and they looked fine to me. Guess I should’ve tried Firefox earlier — as soon as I did, I realized how butt-ugly it all looked, and I had an instant incentive to fix it.

My apologies for it taking so long.


3 thoughts on “New Members Forums

  1. K, let me see if i got this right. You have a hot young woman who can’t keep her hands off you, whom you have good chemistry with, and get along fabulously with (from what i could glean from your comments over the last while) and you are now avoiding her because you are worried it might be due to a curse put on her by the faerie that lives in your apartment. (and yes, she has been back for a while, she’s just hiding, or so she says)

    Now, correct me if i am wrong, but the way i see it, the worst thing that can happen is that the Gorram thing wears off, and Meghan leaves on her own. If you like this girl, are you REALLY gonna screw it up on the off chance that it MIGHT be caused by a curse, with any directly negative consequences yet to be seen? (least from what you’ve told us.)

    Btw, if Attitude gets tired of hanging around messing with you, she can feel free to come put a curse or two on me. Least it’ll be more interesting than what’s happening in my life atm.

  2. Um…

    Well, when you put it THAT way, I do come off like a moron, don’t I? But really, after what happened to Mandy (the ORIGINAL Mandy), I’m really torn about it all. Sure, Mandy turned out to be a monster, courtesy of Attitude, but I have my share of responsibility in the whole thing too. If I cut ties with her now, maybe she’ll move on, and her life won’t turn out to be some sexual drama for the benefit of some sick, twisted faerie…

    But then, maybe you’re right, maybe I’m just overthinking this…

    Maybe I’ll call her tomorrow… Maybe…

  3. Figurati! comunque le Galapagos era una delle mie mete starei tutto il giorno sugli scogli insieme alle iguane giganti…e poi quelle bellissime tartarughe! Uno spettacolo!Però non disdegno neppure la natura dove il mare non c&;1887#èࢶinsomma mi piace di tutto…

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