And Along Came a Spider

Holy crap. I can’t believe I bought THAT, of all things.

A tarantula.

I’m just back from the exotic pet store. They had a ton of wild and unusual creatures, from iguanas to porcupines, snakes, and — like I said — tarantulas. I really wanted something low maintenance, and what REALLY sold me on it is that you only need to feed it once a week. Crickets and worms are just perfect, apparently.

Yeah, you may think it’s creepy, but personally, I like the idea. This isn’t a pet that’s going to need a lot of food, or maintenance, and it’s totally rad.

I got a FRIKKIN’ tarantula!

(And with any luck, it’s a radioactive type, and if it ever bites me, I’ll get superhuman powers!)

Shyeah, right!


Next update: Monday

10 thoughts on “And Along Came a Spider

  1. More likely wrap you up in webbing, biding you to the bed and leaving you helpless for a fairie-mad sex-crazed female friend… >.>

    1. Er, binding, I mean.

  2. Did you name it yet?

    1. I was thinking Cleopatra. Or just Cleo. It kind of combines regal and lethal.


  3. The fuck is wrong with you!!! Arachniphobiac here 😛

  4. Possibilities that occur to me off the top of my head:

    #1: It starts trying to eat Minx and any other faeries in your general area. General whackiness ensues.

    #2: Animal-to-human transformation. Jaycee gets a woman in his life who is ‘all hands’, possibly into bondage, and tries to kill and eat him after/during sex.

    #3: Human-to-animal transformation: If not the faeries, then something else turns Jaycee into a male tarantula for a time, just long enough for him to sire a brood of spiders with Cleo, leaving him with ethical ramifications and worries about the nature of the hatchlings.

    #4: The spider is actually a different kind of creature in disguise. Remember that most people never see faeries as anything but winged insects, because they haven’t been targeted for sex-hexes (yet).

  5. There’s no way this could go wrong.


  6. A) Congratulations! Tarantulas are freaking awesome.

    B) I really hope Minx didn’t read the last part of your post. 🙂

  7. > Crickets and worms are just perfect, apparently.

    Fairies too, perchance?

    1. We can but hope. Though I might be a bit sad if Minx was webbed and drained to a husk; she has been helpful at least once.

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