Triggers! (Part II)

Another “lovely” trigger from Minx:

When I arrived home last night, I dropped my things on the counter and went to my comfy seat in the living room to watch some DVDs while waiting for Mandy. The moment my butt hit the leather, my jeans (which are normally pretty baggy) suddenly tightened around my legs and crotch, and turned into black leather. Worse yet, some kind of invisible force started rubbing me at the crotch area, and I “grew” rather impressively. Enough so that, in fact, my pants couldn’t “contain” me, and Mr. Jaycee Junior poked his turgid head above my belt.

And that’s when Mandy came in through the door, staring at her (rather humiliated) boyfriend. Worse yet, she was accompanied by her workmate Renee, who (I would learn later) literally invited herself to our place for drinks.



2 thoughts on “Triggers! (Part II)

  1. Buy a bottle of well-aged wine, some flowers and sweets. Find Minx. Grovel. Apologize. Beg forgiveness. Do it now, before this gets really out of hand. By now, you should have an idea of the misery you could be in for if you don’t mollify Minx.

    1. I’ve TRIED, but she’s nowhere to be found. Ever tried looking for a faerie who DOESN’T want to be found, in a big apartment? Not easy. Heck, it’s impossible.

      And I’ve tried leaving some treats in her cupboard apartment, but it’s still there, untouched. Either she’s still upset, or she hasn’t been there in a few days…


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