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#0190: Positive Self-Image

28 thoughts on “#0190: Positive Self-Image

  1. I think that just called masturbation.

  2. And the best part is: it’s not cheating.

    1. Who would she be cheating on?

      1. It doesn’t matter whether there is anyone or not, it’s still not cheating!

        1. Yep, it’s technically a real complex form of masturbation.

        2. Doesn’t matter, had sex.

  3. The Phantom's Belch

    What I like best about this is that Busty isn’t a mean-spirited fae. She genuinely seems to like Marie (and let’s face it, Marie is a likeable person regardless), and probably sees this as helping Marie out.

    Of course, fae being fae, what a fae thinks of as “help” and what a human thinks of as “help” are sometimes two completely different things, hence the humor of the situation. 🙂

    1. Agreed, Busty seems to the ‘nice’ bug (relatively speaking)

    2. I wonder if this is from some feeling of ‘guilt’ over having accidentally harmed (emotionally) an innocent human (Maria) with the first transformation’s ending, even though it wasn’t directly her fault. I suspect this guilt like feeling or magical compulsion to correct the discrepancy is why she is ‘helping’ Maria so much.

  4. All I have to say is… NICE! Well played Magic Mirror, well played.

    1. Actually, that was Busty McFaebewbs (Mira didn’t know she had shown up until she zapped the reflection)

  5. Oh, fudge. >_< "Through a mirror, darkly"…

  6. o.O I feel weird that I still kinda want her and the prince to end up together. Stupid magical aging putting me into this situation >.<

    1. You had me at ” I feel weird that I still kinda want her”.. that’s as far as I got before I thought “ME TOO!!”..

  7. So much narcissism in 4 tiny panels. XD

    1. You do remember how she used to look, don’t you? Then you would understand why she is now feeling how she did (in the first 2 panels anyway)

      1. She looked NICE. =_= Now she just looks stereotypical.

  8. This is much more preferable than with LurkHer

  9. Busty McFaebewbs…oh dear god you had me rolling with that one. 🙂 Well done. Well done. And she DOES seem like the funny type. Meant for more practical joking that isn’t terribly permanent…unless it’s deserved. Pf course, to a Fae, time is immaterial, so who knows? >.>

  10. Panel three is one of the most sensuous and beautiful drawings Wondollar ever did.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree. There’s something about Marie… 😉

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. There must be. This is the second time you’ve cloned her. Evidently there is never enough Marie.

        Be interesting where this goes with all the rest going on. Heather and the Wizard must have had a hell of a long night. Nothing like fae magic to keep the stamina up.

  11. They must have thought that she needed to reflect upon her past and future sexual relations.

  12. so many marries

  13. Panel 3 makes me wonder if, before her temporary (at the time) change and being with the age-enhanced Princeling, anyone thought she was beautiful (including herself)

    Also wondering: have her sisters seen the ‘new’ Marie yet?

  14. OMG !

    How many of them ARE there now?

    Uh, this is the middle aged maid, that was made young and beautiful by proximity to Aiden, then that wore off, but the Faerie made it permanent.

    Then there’s the ‘copy’ . And now, a Mirror Clone.

    Here’s the $64,000 question. Mirror Magic is temporary, but Faerie Magic isn’t.

    Did the Faerie create life? A permanent twin sister ?

  15. This brings back pleasant memories of “Little Ego” and one of the “XXXenophile” stories.

  16. I love the third panel, she looks so cute and or adorable

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