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#0319: Crystal Boo Hoo Persuasion

23 thoughts on “#0319: Crystal Boo Hoo Persuasion

  1. Looks like Crystal is someone that would get along marvelously with the fairies. lol

    1. Except we know that is not true, seeing as the Faeries seem to see her as some kind of monster.

      1. We don’t know that for a certainty yet. If anything, hints here don’t always pan out as expected.

        1. We do know that for certain. Surely subtlety isn’t lost on you.

        2. No, we don’t know if they see her as a monster, something bad happened to make Busty cry just hearing her name

        3. Maybe she’s the only thing the faeries REALLY fear?

        4. Again, that is kinda going counter to how Busty reacted

        5. Maybe the cry was the though of having to deal with her… the “undealable” force?

          Something even the faeries don’t want to relate to or contemplate?

          We’s just gonna haveta waits ands sees, my precioussssss.

      2. Do they? Busty was crying over her so Crystal either did something really horrible to her or Busty really cared for her and something bad happened to her.

        1. They do, obviously. The way they reacted makes it clear Crystal isn’t someone they like.

          They obviously don’t care for her.

        2. If Busty didn’t care about her, then why did she get so sad and cry? That is not the reaction from someone who doesn’t like someone (if she hated Crystal, she would have been angry, not sad)

        3. You’re asking the right questions.

          “I’m doing it.”

        4. Yeah, Busty looked sad while crying so I don’t think she hated Crystal. If she hated her, then I think it would’ve been a look of anger with some tears.

  2. “Hey, you big meanie! What’s the idea picking on that little meanie!”

    (Mis)quoting G. Marx, :A Night at the Opera”

  3. So kind girl, I like her 🙂

  4. Okay, so Crystal is a bitch, can see why she would gain the attention of the Gnats, wonder what happened to make Busty react the way she did

  5. I think it’s safe to say Busty cared for her. The reaction is more ike a relationship ha ended badly.. hence not even allowed to say her name.

  6. Could it be that Crystal is partially to blame for how Albert and Heather turned out…?

  7. young lurker me thinks?

    1. The Phantom's Belch

      That would be interesting, and more than a little appropriate. 😉

      I’m going to guess that Heather was 12-ish at the time, and maybe-Young!Lurker maybe 10.

    2. If it is indeed him, his attitude toward Heather has certainly changed.

      1. Not that unusual overall my friend. Think what you were really like at that age. I was busy dodging a girl that was rather overt in what she wanted personally.

  8. I am not accustomed to feeling this bad for Heather. :/

    Poor kid.

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