I’ve Got da Pawaah!

It’s been an interesting few days since Minx gave me her mysterious “gift.” Nothing unusual happened during the day on Monday, though, so I figured it might be one of her “triggers” or something. When I ran into her back at my place, later at night, however, I learned a bit more about what the gift truly was.

She told me her name.

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, faerie names hold tremendous power by themselves, and ensure the loyalty of the faerie. (I’m not completely sure what “loyalty” means to a faerie, but I’m sure it beats being her pet.)

Minx didn’t elaborate much on what all this meant, and how it would change our relationship, but she did say that she wouldn’t lay any curse on me without my permission. And besides, she added, faerie curses (especially her own) wouldn’t have as strong an effect on me as before. It sounds like knowing a faerie’s name gives me a bit of a resistance to faerie magic.

So I thought that was pretty cool.

But not as cool as what I discovered the next day…


Tuesday, I went to work as usual. I did my morning assignments without any problems, then went to a nearby diner for lunch. I’m a regular there, so the waitress quickly seated me and confirmed I wanted “the usual” (which I did). While I was waiting, I began feeling a bit queasy. I’m not sure what triggered it, but hearing all the noise and people chatting around me made me oddly dizzy. I thought it might be something I’d eaten for breakfast, but it didn’t really seem to start from my stomach. I sipped some water and waited for it to pass.

When the waitress came with my food, I noticed something about her that I’d never picked up on before. There was some kind of vibrancy about her that wasn’t there before. She put the food before me and asked me if there was anything else I needed. I shook my head. She turned around and left. I observed the sway of her hips, which I’d never really noticed before. She was a little past her prime and not exactly my taste, but I remember thinking “Does she like me?” I somehow had the feeling she DID like me.

While I ate, I observed people at other tables around me. There was this one cute couple that REALLY looked like they were into each other. It wasn’t that they were French-kissing in public, nothing like that. It was just something in the way they looked at each other that said “I wanna take you right NOW!” At another table, two businessmen were discussing business. Despite the appearances, though, I had a knack it was more than that. One of them was clearly gay, and was interested in the other one, who was oblivious to it. And right next to them, at another table, this teenage girl was eating by herself, reading a fashion magazine. The cover said (among other things) “5 new positions to drive him WILD!” Her dreamy and unfocused gaze told me she probably was reading that article, and getting a little excited from it.

I finished my meal, paid, and went back to work, still feeling queasy. That eventually passed, mid-afternoon. I got up from my desk and went to the kitchen area to get myself a coffee. While walking around, I began noticing that some (but not all) of my colleagues were actively flirting with each other. There was nothing unusual about their behaviour, it’s just that I found myself picking up on it a bit more. I’m really not sure what it was.

So the day ended and I went back home. As was often the case, Minx was there, waiting for me. She watched me silently while I fed Cleopatra, then asked me how my day had gone.

“I’m not sure,” I said. “I felt a little sick at lunch, but it got better in the afternoon.”

“Ah. And did anything… unusual happen? Something must have happened!”

I was a bit puzzled at the question.

“Well, nothing happened per se, but I noticed some people were… excited. Maybe more than usual, or maybe I just happened to notice it.”

Minx looked disappointed.

“That’s it? That’s pretty normal… I think.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re developing sexual perception. That’s so… baby-like.”

“I don’t understand…” I started, then interrupted myself. Yeah, I was STARTING to understand.

“Now that you know my name, you’re going to have some… developments. Nothing that compares to what we faeries can do, but faerie sight is one of them. It means you can sense arousal levels in people.”

Aah… Right. Sex sight. Just what I needed.

“So if people are horny, I’ll know?” I asked.

“Oh yes, you’ll know!”

“But will it affect me?”

She looked at me, not understanding the question.

“If they get horny, is that going to MAKE me horny?”

She thought about it for a second.

“I dunno… You’re a guy! Aren’t you ALWAYS a little horny anyway?”

“Well, that’s true… but more than usual?”

She shook her head.

“No, silly, no more than usual. I told you, faerie magic doesn’t have as strong effect on you as before, so having faerie sight won’t give you sexual trouble.”

She pointed at my crotch.

“If you want, I can prove it. I could use some magic on you, and you’ll see the result.”

I wasn’t THAT curious, so I gently declined.

“So,” I continued. “What ELSE can I expect from knowing your name?”

Minx just smiled.

“You just wait and see…”


Next update: Friday

Minx vs Cleopatra

I woke up at 3:30 this morning, to the sound of Minx shrieking her head off.

I didn’t even know she was back — she’d been gone for a few days already, on one of those mysterious expeditions she wouldn’t tell me about.

As soon as I heard the screaming, I raced to the living room and looked for her. All of a sudden, everything fell deathly silent. I glanced around, my heart racing. I couldn’t see much so I flicked the light on. And I immediately found out what was happening.

The top of Cleopatra’s tank was open. Inside, an unconscious Minx was stuck in the web, her hand holding a tiny spear. And next to her, Cleopatra was covering her in more webbing.

I reacted before I even thought about what I was doing. I raced over to the tank, put my hand in, and grabed Minx. The spider backed away when my hand approached, and for a moment I was worried she’d jump to bite my hand or something, but she just watched. I yanked Minx out and put the top back on the tank. I secured it in place and put a heavy book on top just to be safe.

Minx was unconscious. I couldn’t find a bite, so I think she just fainted from fright. Poor little thing. Lying there, all white and helpless, I felt a moment of pity and sympathy for her.

Then I remember what she (and her ilk) had put me and my friends through, and I was tempted to wring her neck. But I’m no killer, so I just let her be. I took her little spear, threw it in the garbage, and went back to bed.


I woke again around dawn, only to find Minx’s face an inch away from mine, staring at me as I woke up. Her expression was… unusual. It was… adoring.

“Minx! What do you want?”

As I sat up, she fluttered in front of my face.

“You saved me! You saved me! The evil spider was going to eat me, and you saved me!”

I scratched my head.

“I don’t think that’s quite what happened… You were going after her, weren’t you? Well, I just didn’t want her to eat you — you probably taste horrible, on account that faeries are all dark and twisted on the inside!”

To my surprise, Minx laughed.

“Oh, you’re so funny! But none of that matters, now — you SAVED ME!”

She fluttered next to my ear.

“And now,” she said, “you get a nice reward.”

She whispered something in my ear. It was some kind of long word, and with every syllable, I felt increasingly dizzy. Then I fainted.

When I woke up, Minx was gone again.


Next update: Wednesday


I kicked Mandy out after that last incident. I just couldn’t look at her.

After that, it was just Minx and I. And for reasons I didn’t quite understand at the time, Minx was relatively discreet for a few weeks. She’d be gone for many days at a  time and wouldn’t tell me where she’d been when she returned. I knew better than to press the issue.

I’ve spent most of January and February in a pretty somber mood. Minx has tried inflicting a few curses on me, but I’ve been so morose I think it took all the fun out of it for her.

Brooke came to visit a few times, but pretty soon I made it clear I didn’t want to see her, not so long as she looked like “my” Mandy. The old, nice Mandy.

So it’s been pretty quiet at my place, lately. I’m thinking of getting a pet. But not a dog or a cat, that’s too much maintenance. Maybe something exotic, I dunno.


I’m lonely.


Next update: Tuesday

Tales From Mexico — Epilogue

You may wonder what happened AFTER we got back home. Let me summarize the weeks that followed, and you’ll get the idea.

First off, Minx was there, waiting for us, all sunshine and rainbows. She wouldn’t admit to it,  but I think she missed us. She immediately grilled us about the trip, often asking how the weather was, if there was a lot of SUN, if we got a good TAN, etc.

Subtle she isn’t.

“Mandy” and I turned things on her pretty quickly, asking if she was responsible for the tan curse. She positively beamed with price and nodded repeatedly, kind of like a cartoon character.

“Yeah,” I said, “well that worked all right.”

Minx looked straight at my crotch. “Oooh,” she exclaimed, then pointed a finger at my engine. Sparks flew and I instantly sprung an impressive erection. I hadn’t had time to… um… readjust the position, so I had to quickly bend over and straighten everything. “Nice,” Minx said. “Mandy” ran her hand across the front of my jeans and acquiesced. “Definitely,” she added.

Then Minx gave “Mandy” a suspicious look. “Wait, YOU’re not Jaycee’s girlfriend. What business to you have touching him there?”

That was my first clue that something bigger was happening.

“You mean… you think this is Brooke?” I asked, pointing a thumb at “Mandy.”

Minx nodded. “Of course.”

“Well, she isn’t.”

“Then who…”

“Mandy. In Brooke’s body.”

Minx shook her head, not understanding.

“Why did you take Brooke’s body?”

We tried explaining that the switch wasn’t voluntary, but Minx was pretty skeptical. I thought at first she might have been messing with us, but it was pretty clear Minx wasn’t that devious.

So it had to be someone (or something) else.


For the following few days, things were… normal enough. The sex sessions were spectacular. Brooke’s epic body was a source of endless erotic pleasure, and before my sun tan faded, I wasn’t too bad myself. I’d sometimes notice Minx, perched on a lamp, observing us in action like a movie buff watching the latest action flick. (She was just missing the popcorn.)

But the tan faded. And while Mandy was still having sex with me, it became less frequent. (Mind you, twice a day is still a lot, by some standards.) I didn’t pay attention to it at first, but after a week, I got this weird feeling that something was wrong. One night, as I was coming back from work, I walked in on “Mandy” having sex with the pizza guy.

I’m NOT kidding! Don’t ANY of you make porn jokes, or go “bow chika wah wah” on me.

I chased the guy out (kept the pizza, didn’t pay for it). Then Mandy and I had a chat. She cried and apologized. He’d flirted with her, and somehow that had sent sparks flying down in her groin. She’d gotten SO horny she lost control and had thrown herself at the pizza delivery guy. I remembered the curses, and it was true that any kind of flirting would get her hot. Curse me for a fool, but I had to try it.

“So… in the morning, do you like your eggs scrambled… or fertilized?”

Her eyes glazed over.

“Why wait for morning?”

And we were lost in passion again.


Two days later, I left for work and came back because I’d forgotten my iPad. I caught Mandy with the mailman. Another round of tears and make up sex ensued.

The next day, I got suspicious and called her just one street corner away from my place. She answered, we chatted, and she confirmed she was at my apartment. I immediately went home and checked — she wasn’t there. That worried me. When she arrived, we had an argument about it. Apparently, she had gone out for coffee and didn’t want to worry me. I didn’t buy it. More tears.

More sex, too.

And finally, another three days later, I came home at the normal time, and found her in OUR bed with two other guys. I yelled at her. She pretended not to see me and urged her lovers to keep screwing her. I left, sick to my stomach.

That time, I cried. I cried because I realized that she’d been playing me all along. Again. Just like before. All the cheating, then the tears, then the sex to make me forget.

Same old tricks. And I was the same old idiot for not seeing it before.


Next update: Sunday

Quick Update

Hey all,

Sorry I’ve been silent. We have a pre-Christmas rush at the office, so I’ve been staying at work later than usual. Not much time left for updates. But this morning, it’s a bit slower, so here’s what’s been happening to the people in my life (and myself).

  • Mandy hasn’t moved back in, and probably won’t. We talked about it, and she’s worried that too much faerie influence in her life might cause her to relapse to her older self. She said it came VERY close, during the Trigger Incidents, and she doesn’t want to go back down that road. She’s still living at Antony’s and is looking for a new place of her own.
  • Brooke and Roseanne are officially over. Now it’s all about Brooke and Meghan.
  • Jennifer has a new boyfriend. Which isn’t surprising. Ever since she “busted out” (a nice way to say she got implants), she’s been going through guys like mad. They’re usually hot hunks, with toasters for brains. She’s also going for a more feminine look — I saw her wearing a dress, the other day, and it was really weird for me. She’s not a tomboy-ish little sister anymore, more like a hot sexpot. My brain can’t quite cope with that yet.
  • I received a postcard from Zuri. She’s coming to town during the holidays. BAD NEWS! I’m going on holidays myself right after Christmas (Mexico, BABY!), so there’s a chance we’ll miss each other.
  • Morgan never reappeared. I don’t know where she came from, or where she went after she visited me, “that” time. Probably just as well. I’ve confessed the entire incident to Mandy, though, who was upset by the whole thing. She understood it was the usual faerie mischief, though, so she’s not holding a grudge.

That’s about all the news. Oh, and Minx has been very quiet. She’s been looking a bit nervous, these days, but she says it’s nothing. I hope that’s not the calm before the storm…


Saturday Night Chaos (Epilogue)

I couldn’t get a hold of Mandy after what happened, but we talked on Sunday morning. She was fine. We agreed that after the night before, it would be safe if she went back to stay at Antony’s place for a little while. Just until we figure out what happened.

I didn’t tell her about Morgan’s visit. Not yet. But I will. I just wanted to figure out first what happened, where she came from all of a sudden, and what force was at work behind it all.

And I got thinking… If it was Minx who “fixed” those orgasms that prevented me from having sex with Morgan, then she’s not the one who got Morgan to show up and come on to me in the first place.

So I decided to have a chat with Minx, and asked her what was her part in all of this. The thing about Minx is, she’s a pretty bad liar. She has the poker face of a three year-old. Her answer was one of those “Nothiiiiiiiiing” that screams “I’m lying.” So I asked her a few more questions.

“Minx, seriously, did you do this to me? To the point of fainting?”


“You lost an opportunity to watch me have sex with Morgan.”

“Who?” she asked.

“The lady with the big boobs.”

“Oh, her. Well, your orgasms were fun to watch.”

Uh huh. Then I had a light bulb moment.

“And isn’t that an uncanny coincidence that Mandy had the SAME problem, around the SAME time, and didn’t show up at 8PM, when she was supposed to.”

“Ah… I suppose.”

I pressed on, feeling I was on to something.

“Minx, did you curse Mandy, just like you cursed me?”

She shuffled a guilty foot around the other.

“And what if I did?”

“I knew it! You DID this to us!”

She shrugged, so I continued.

“You’re the one who gave us all those orgasms! And I’m willing to bet you did this to stop me from sleeping with Morgan. And to stop Mandy from showing up and seeing her there!”

Minx frowned unhappily.

“Are you insinuating I would have HELPED you?” she asked, her glare threatening. I could see this could be an issue, so I backed down.

“Um… Ah… I mean… No, of COURSE not! You did this for your own entertainment, not AT ALL to do me a favor! I didn’t insinuate that you might have shirked your duties as a proper faerie and actually HELPED a human being.”

“Good.” She was pouting, now.

“But if you HAD done this deliberately, and if it HAD had a beneficial side effect for Mandy and myself, it WOULD be proper for me to express gratitude, right?”

She concentrated a moment, then nodded. “I guess, yes.”

“So, I’m NOT thanking you now, but personally, I’m glad I got off with JUST those orgasms and nothing else.”

And there you have it, folks. Some faeries may have a heart after all. Not that I’m suggesting Minx has one. I’m just sayin’…


Saturday Night Chaos (Part III)


After she guided my hands to her boobs, I kind of lost control of what I was doing. But there was good news, because Mandy was right there in front of me, pushing herself against me. I pivoted both of us, and it was her turn to be against the wall. i stared into her eyes, then realized there was nothing I wanted more, right at that moment, than to make animal love to her. So without ceremony, I grabbed fistful of fabric and yanked down, shredding her very flimsy top in the process.

Mandy didn’t seem to mind. I saw in her eyes the same animal lust I was feeling. I pushed my crotch hard against hers, and she growled like a lioness in heat. She gave me a fierce kiss and I kissed her back.

Honestly, I don’t remember the details too clearly, except that we were both out of control, and that made things very hot.

But then, it got a little too hot, and something started boiling in my groin, like a volcano about to erupt. And seconds later, erupt it did! Mandy looked at me with panic in her eyes.

“No! No, not yet! PLEASE!!!”

But I wasn’t hearing anything. My knees got too weak and I dropped to the floor, my hands in my pants, trying to get a hold of… well, myself. But I was out of control and my orgasms were coming in rapid succession. I remember Mandy looking down at me, looking distressed.

And then I just passed out.

When I woke up, I was alone in my apartment. The clock read 9:25 PM.

Minx was floating nearby, sitting cross-legged, her eyes fixed on me. She was smiling.

[To be continued]



Sorry if I didn’t announce this earlier, but Mandy got in touch with me on Wednesday. She’d gone out of town to see her sister Jackie. She needed some time off from everything, and returning to her roots, seeing her family, it all sounded like the right thing to do.

She says she left a note to Antony, but maybe he never found it…

Or a faerie took it. Minx says she didn’t, but she’s a faerie, so I’m not taking her at her word.

But that doesn’t matter, now! Mandy’s back in town, and now that the curse-craze has stopped, we’re going to talk about her moving back in.

She’s coming tomorrow…


Triggers! (The End)

It’s finally stopped. Yesterday, not a single bit of magic affected me.

I’m still looking for Minx, but nothing. The good news, though: some things have moved in her little apartment, so maybe she’s gone back to living in it (just not when I’m there).

I guess she’s about to resurface and I can apologize, wonder at her amazing boobs, and put the whole thing behind us.

Let’s hope…


Triggers! (Part II)

Another “lovely” trigger from Minx:

When I arrived home last night, I dropped my things on the counter and went to my comfy seat in the living room to watch some DVDs while waiting for Mandy. The moment my butt hit the leather, my jeans (which are normally pretty baggy) suddenly tightened around my legs and crotch, and turned into black leather. Worse yet, some kind of invisible force started rubbing me at the crotch area, and I “grew” rather impressively. Enough so that, in fact, my pants couldn’t “contain” me, and Mr. Jaycee Junior poked his turgid head above my belt. Continue reading “Triggers! (Part II)”

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