Crazy Idea?

For a LONG time, I’ve been tinkering with the idea of taking Bloomin’ Faeries! to video (insane, right?). Ever since I saw a short movie (20 minutes?) named Mood Boobs done for a budget of about $6k, I’ve been toying with the idea of something similar. I just didn’t really know where to start or how to budget for it, and it just laid there as one of my 200 untouched projects.

Then, yesterday, I reached out to the director of Mood Boobs just to see if this would be something realistic/feasible/interesting–wasn’t even sure I had the right address. It was more of a whimsical attempt, I wasn’t really expecting a response, but suddenly, out of the blue, he wrote back and we exchanged several emails during the day. This helped me give more shape to that project, and here’s what it looks like right now.

  • This would be a collection of 5- to 10-minute long webisodes
  • All the webisodes would be connected to form a mini-series
  • Crowdfunding would be used to finance the project (specifics TBD)
  • The setting would be modern (like the blog, not the comic) to keep costs under control
    • Maybe Attitude would be involved?

If I were to go the crowdfunding route, I’d need to think about good rewards for backers, the kind of stuff that makes them feel like they’re on the inside, but also not stuff that creates tons of additional costs. Anyone has thoughts?

What do you think? Is this something worth doing or do I fold and move on?

“I’m doing it.”

17 thoughts on “Crazy Idea?

  1. If you’ve got the Mood Boobs guy involved (Rolfe Kanefsky wasn’t it?) then I say go for it. For me, Mood Boobs is the best thing BE has ever gotten (and I fear, ever will get in my lifetime). A lot of that was down to having actual actresses involved. It was silly and fun but silly and fun need to treated seriously otherwise the viewer is one who feels laughed at.
    In case this goes ahead, I will start rooting around the back of my chair for money to hand over!

  2. Cool reward for backing, top funder gets a chance to be in the mini-series.

  3. If you do it on kickstarter I will sign up. 😀

  4. Seems like an awesome Idea and heck Mood Boobs was very entertaining lol 😀

  5. I think this sounds pretty cool – it also sounds like something you’re really like to do.

  6. Wow! That would be awesome. I’m in!

    1. Maybe with a body control thing going on (omg i can’t stop touching my boobs etc). 😉

      1. That’d definitely be on my list! 🙂

        “I’m doing it.”

  7. I’d totally buy into it!

  8. as long as theres is breast expansion. Im in!

    1. That’s certainly one of the tropes I’d like to feature, but doing it right is challenging/expensive. I’d choose quality over quantity.

      “I’m doing it.”

  9. Both Fenoxo (with TiTS) and Satin Minions (with Lighter Chains) give backers access to the releases before the general public.

  10. You could always get SFM (source film maker) models made and go that route. Would give you more latitude with setting as well as the characters themselves.

  11. Love the idea.

  12. Hi Jaycee, it’s a real shame this didn’t come to anything.
    As you can tell by my zombie posting more than a year later, this keeps popping back into my head every so often to torment me 😀

    1. You and me both, man. I had to put it on the backburner because of real-life work issues (job switching), but I keep thinking about it. It’s not dead yet…

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Well, I’m still holding out hope for more of more “Berry Girl” pages after around two decades so I can keep the faith!

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