Members: Marie’s Horny Hands

Just added a new pinup to the Character gallery.

This piece was done by David Goujard, an artist on Patreon. Every month, one of the sketches he makes is turned into a final piece. You can visit him on Patreon and support him HERE. (And while you’re there, perhaps you could vote for this sketch…)

“I’m doing it.”

6 thoughts on “Members: Marie’s Horny Hands

  1. This picture is not cool… It’s pretty much rape

    I am not okay with this and ask that it be taken down

    1. Do you mean removed from the post or from the gallery?

      In the case of the gallery, I would require the consent of a large number of members, since it’s “theirs” as much as it’s mine. I wouldn’t do it at the request of a single individual, it wouldn’t be fair to the rest (who might enjoy the pic).

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Despite it depicting rape? It should be removed forthwith from the site.

        Oh and nice glance over the whole ‘rape’ thing. By keeping this picture up you’re saying it’s okay to depict rape and considering you’re running a business on this site, it’s not a good look.

        1. Many of the sexual fantasies depicted on this site can be offensive to a number of people for different reasons.

          If you find it overly offensive and prefer not to wait for more responses, I will gladly refund your full membership and cancel your account. No hard feelings on my end. For my part, I will wait to hear more members feedback before taking action.

          “I’m doing it.”

    2. Is it only rape because it’s (supposedly) a guy doing it and not a fairy? Because her mind wasn’t altered by magic as well to ‘want it’? Pretty sure early Heather didn’t want her condition with the bells, and the entire Li Fang Fei comic must be offensive as well.

      I’m not sure why you are a member of this site if fantasy depictions of non-consensual acts is as offensive to you.

  2. There are people who enjoy this type of thing in art form, that does not mean they condone rape in real life. Fantasy and Real life are two separate things. You will find things in an artists art or stories you may not enjoy, and that is your preference, but please do not push it on others.

    On a separate note, keep up the good work Jaycee

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