6 thoughts on “Members: Preview #319

  1. D’aww little albert and poor heather :'(

  2. Saw lil Heather I so cute 🙂

  3. Okay, $5 bucks says the kid is the younger version of the Lurker.

    1. i’ll take a piece of that action, he does look very similar to him its the hair huh? X3

  4. Yep, for starters. Face also has a few hints in that direction as well. Plus my writers intuition is pushing me that direction. Speaking of which, strip sparked another bit of insite. Up to now we have been lead to believe Crystal is some kind of dark wicked force. However, here she seems more likely to be the type to play the kind of games that fairies play. What if this means she isn’t some boogieman, but rather someone not only prone to the antics of our winged trickster – – but even better at it than them. In other words she bested the fairy at her own game? Just a thought…

  5. I can see you guys have all sorts of theories about this. They’re all interesting, but you’re missing some of the background that would help you figure out where I’m going with this. The reason I’m introducing Crystal into the story is to reveal more about faeries (including some “weaknesses”) in a way that will perhaps make you appreciate them more (or not). Stay tuned, I think it’s going to get interesting…

    “I’m doing it.”

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