Sisterly Love

Finally, FIRST COLOR STRIP of Sir Thane’s adventures. That’s a strip SO HOT we can’t present it in public. It’s for our gentle forum readers only. No worries, even if you’re not a member, you’re not missing on any important plotline–just some girl-on-girl incestuous sex. Seriously, no biggie. Here’s a sample: You’re not missing nuthin’! Jaycee

Brooke’s New Roommate

Last night, Brooke & I got together for drinks. He wasn’t alone when I got there, however — there was this girl with him, whom he introduced as Zuri. She’s this foreign student from Congo or something. They got in touch with each other through (As Brooke puts it, it’s a great way to sample exotic dishes.) Zuri is very sexy, but also very smart and completely fearless. From what was able to gather, there doesn’t seem to be much she hasn’t done (and whatever she hasn’t, it’s on her todo list for the next 2-3 years). She’s done mountain climbing in Tibet, whitewater rafting in the US, ballroom dancing in France, tango in Argentina, capoeira in Brazil, horseback riding in Russia, winter camping in Patagonia, hockey in Canada, sailing in Greece, scuba diving in Thailand, karate in Japan, skiing in the French Alps, and so forth. She has fascinating stories to tell, though very little about her country of origin. But that doesn’t matter–she’s a really cool chick. It wasn’t clear from her interactions with Brooke whether they were just friends, bedmates, or something more serious. She was certainly flirtatious with me, but since my relationship with Meghan is going great, that’s not an option. Anyway, she’s going to be here for the next 2-3 weeks, then says she’ll decide where to go next. I don’t think I could be quite that free myself. I’d worry about earning a living and all that. But her, nope. None of that. The future will figure itself out, she says. I don’t know about that, but who knows. Maybe she’s right. What do you all think? Jaycee

[MEMBERS] A Little of Me

I’ve just posted an additional picture in the Bloomin’ Forums. This time, it’s of lil’ ol’ me. Some of you may say “yeech” or “it’s about time!” Either way, I felt it would be relevant so you’d be able to better picture the various interactions I have with the other folks in my life. Please forgive what must appear as a very self-indulgent contribution. Jaycee

Meghan and the Funcam

Yesterday, Meg and I were supposed to get together for an early dinner, but she was called in for an evening photo shoot. There was just one snag: she’d forgotten her camera at my place; got sidetracked and all (we don’t need to get into that, do we?). So she called me in and asked if I could bring it to her. I was happy to oblige, of course. I raced back home and looked for the camera. Continue reading “Meghan and the Funcam”

“Art 4 Ads” is GO!

If you’ve been paying attention to the menu bar of this page, you may have noticed the new “ART 4 ADS” section. This is something I’ve started after spending the last week browsing the Deviant Art website, and sending out feelers to potential artists who’d like to be showcased on the front page of BF! in exchange for ad space. If you’re an artist and would like to be featured on the page, please check out the ART 4 ADS section. Be sure to read everything, there are a lot of little details to know. If anything’s unclear, don’t be shy, send us an email and we’ll clarify everything. Hope to hear from you soon! Jaycee

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