Coming Attractions

First off, I must apologize for the lack of updates here in the last week. I’ve been busy, but not so much with my real, chaotic, faerie-infested life. No, most of the business has stemmed from my efforts to improve the quality (and frequency) of the content of Bloomin’ Faeries! I feel it’s VITAL that I make the site more popular, if ONLY to make sure all humans on the planet are warned about faeries, and the mischief they cause. I’ve suffered enough at their little magic-weaving hands, it’s time for me to make a stand and stop their malicious ways! Continue reading “Coming Attractions”

Faerie Philters, Meghan and I

Faeries have more than one trick in their bags. I’ve mentioned faerie dust in the past, which is something they use very regularly on us mortals. There are also faerie philters. I’m not entirely sure what those are made of (it’s a closely guarded secret), but it’s a very popular item with humans. In the olden days, witches used to steal philters from faeries, then sell them at outrageous prices to humans gullible enough to pay. Continue reading “Faerie Philters, Meghan and I”

New Members Forums

For those of you who are members (and if you’re not, what are you WAITING for???), I’ve changed the forums, hopefully for the better! I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to let me know about the problem. I was using Google Chrome, and they looked fine to me. Guess I should’ve tried Firefox earlier — as soon as I did, I realized how butt-ugly it all looked, and I had an instant incentive to fix it. My apologies for it taking so long. Jaycee

She’s Baaaack…

No one is telling me anything, but I’m sure Attitude is back. She’s probably hiding, plotting more mischief to make my life miserable. I should have known. New hot and smart chick like Meg walks up to me in a bar, flirts with me, ends up in my bed in record time, has a high sex drive  and can’t get her hands off of me… You’d think I would have picked up on the fact that this MUST be some trick from Attitude, right? Well, I never pretented to be the smartest cookie in the jar. Continue reading “She’s Baaaack…”

Picture of My Boss, Morgan

Now available in the Forums section. It’s probably time to remind you that the forums are updated twice a week, usually around Wednesday (for the preview of the upcoming strip) and on Friday (for the character-of-the-week). Membership is (until the end of June) ONLY $10 per YEAR — after that, it will go to the original (intended) cost of $25 per year (that’s still pretty inexpensive). Hope you’ll all rush to get your account before the special runs out. You can signup HERE. Best, Jaycee

Mandy — An Unusual Night

So on Saturday, as I got back home from work, there was Mandy waiting for me in my apartment. I could quickly see she was pretty upset. She was back to wearing the skanky outfits I’ve come to expect from her. She had two travel suitcases with her, next to the couch. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure some things out. I didn’t have to ask or even say it — she ran into my arms and started sobbing on my shoulder. Through her tears and hiccups, she blurted out that she’d been kicked out of the convent. Something about inappropriate behavior (big surprise there). She had nowhere to go, no one to turn to. Continue reading “Mandy — An Unusual Night”

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