Sexy Vignette #24

Not realizing she had inadvertently frozen the faerie’s favorite patch of flowers, Elsa suddenly found herself with the inexplicable urge to expose herself to every person she met. The punishment may not have fitted the crime, but none of her subjects seemed to object.

“I’m doing it.”

Sexy Vignette #20

Goldilocks revisited.

Once upon a time, the three bears got fed up with Goldilocks repeatedly coming over to steal their porridge. Seeking to teach her a lesson, they went into the woods with a large cauldron of porridge to visit their faerie friend. After explaining their problem, the faerie nodded and put a spell on the porridge. When Goldilocks next came to sample their porridge, it didn’t take long for the spell to take effect. Goldi found herself growing taller and more curvaceous. Moments later, her body began tingling and she was overcome with unusually pleasurable sensations. She lay back on the bed and began touching herself, moaning with delight. Her hands fluttered all over her body and she gave the three bears quite the show.

The solution may not have been what the bears had in mind, but now they invite Goldilocks for magical porridge every Saturday, much to everyone’s satisfaction.

The End.

“I’m doing it.”

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