Work In Progress

Hey everyone,

I’d like to share a preview of the promotional video for my upcoming project. This has NOT been released anywhere yet and I’d be grateful if you kept it for yourself, at least for now. You’ll notice I’m not using the Jaycee Knight pseudonym for this since I want to keep that project from my more adult content, but it’s still me.

As I mentioned in earlier posts, Wondollar will be doing illustrations for this project, so you’ll get to see more of his amazing art (though he’ll probably use a different name for the same reasons I am).



Technical Issue

Apologies to everyone, my hosting service moved the site to another server, so the DNS name servers had to be updated. That took a bit longer than I would have liked, and we lost some posts & comments in the process, but everything’s back to normal.

“I’m doing it.”

More Hardcore 4 Members?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been debating about something for the Members Area and I think it’s of general interest.

If you’ve been following BF for a very long time, you’ve probably figured out I don’t want the comic to be too pornographic. There are several rules I’ve always adhered to (and will keep on adhering to) for the free comic:

  • No penises
  • No pussies
  • No penetration (not illustrated, anyway)
  • No fluids

I’ve been wondering if this is something that existing members (or potential members) would want changed for the MEMBERS AREA only. I’ve found that I sometimes go to great lengths (perhaps overly so) to avoid “money shots,” and maybe this is something the members would actually want.

So please, leave a comment below with your preference, and please indicate whether you’re currently a member or not.


“I’m doing it.”

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