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#0165: Command Performance

21 thoughts on “#0165: Command Performance

  1. I can’t tell, is Marie super cute on panel 3 or 4.

    1. Yup, she’s being very cute and all. 🙂


      1. Sexy Marie is always cute, in panel 3 and 4 she is being adorabubblicious 😀

  2. “Hisssssssss”???
    It’s pneumatic?

    1. No, it’s clearly hydraulic.

      1. Hydraulics don’t hiss.

        1. Actually, hydraulics do hiss . . . just not as loudly as pneumatics.

  3. It be so cool if it really worked that way 😮

    1. Maybe with different trigger words. “Hard” and “soft” are said too often; could get people into trouble.

      1. Maybe that’s the point?


  4. This sort of behaviour is no less hateful with women doing it to men than it would be with men doing it to women. o_o

    1. At least it’s equal opportunity exploitation

    2. Well, it’s not about gender per se (more on that below), but rather about perception, attitude and situation.

      If the guard (as written), were he in full possession of his mental facilities, would have agreed (eagerly) to be in this situation, and…
      If the guard, after regaining full possession of his mental facilities, would have no regrets or misgivings about having been put in that situation, and…
      If the audience (read: you and me) would not mind being in the same predicament, then there is nothing “hateful” about it.

      The thing is, that perception thing I mentioned above is affected by gender. On the aggregate, males have different attitudes toward such situations than females (I don’t care to delve on the reasons at this time but you are welcome to conduct a poll if you disagree).

      If you were offered the possibility to be “controlled” — for a short while — by a beautiful women who is very attractive to you; furthermore: if you were told that no harm would come to you, other than a slight embarrassment, and there will be some sort of sexual play between you, that woman and her equally sexy companion; what would you say to that? I know that I would welcome the experience.

      I hope that made sense.

      1. It makes sense, and if that were your informed choice, good luck to you.

        Me, I’d say no.

        1. > Me, I’d say no.

          Different people have different preferences, how shocking! 🙂

          One question, if you don’t mind: do you enjoy roller-coaster rides?

  5. While it is on the list of male superpowers,…. I can’t put my finger on this,.. but I find todays strip mildly offensive,.. I’ll get back when I recognize whats bugging me.

    1. Putting your finger on it would be considered indecent in polite society.

      1. Fortunately, “polite society” is an oxymoron.

        1. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)


      2. I think kissing it would be okay. 😉


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