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#0322: Bonds of Friendship

59 thoughts on “#0322: Bonds of Friendship

  1. Wait, so both spiders and virgins are immune to faerie enchantment? Or was Autumn about to note that Crystal was born in September?

    1. Yes. That one.

      “I’m doing it.”

    2. It must be latter, or else Heather did way more to Albert than rub his face in her boobs way back when.

      1. im sure it would matter more as being virginal and past puberty.

      2. Easy; Crystal is not only a virgin, but has never touched herself in any way. That’s why Albert was not immune; The young man obviously explored himself.

    3. So the faeries’ greatest nemeses would be virgin spiders?

      So how does it work exactly? Does every virgin have the ability to control faeries? But if that was so, I would think that it it would be common knowledge, as there are many of those around (including most if not all pre-pubescents, and so on).

      Unless there is something else that we don’t now. Perhaps the faeries’ definition of virginity is stricter than ours? Or maybe virginity is a necessary condition but not a sufficient one?

      1. Those answers will eventually be revealed through the comic. Can’t spoil it by telling all right away…

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. Svyatoslav Aksenov

          Hmm…sorry to interrupt, but…
          Autumn now….Mindless slave to that….Virgin? Or she can do things outside orders given? Maybe even cast spells on others?

        2. Which is fine as long as things are going to make sense (well, BF sense) in the future. Writing an internally consistent tale is hard and it is tempting to take the lazy way out.

          That said, we are still allowed to make guesses. Here’s mine:

          Faeries are drawn to be friends with virgins and the level of attraction is influenced by the person’s age: the closer they are to the biological peak of their sexuality, the stronger the influence (thus treat Crystal as a “mistress”, but only be nice to children).

          Moreover, “virginity” is defined in a much stricter sense, as in not having *any* sexual contact with another person (not even groping a feel or slipping a tongue when kissing), or never having had an orgasm (even by self-stimulation).

          This actually makes sense to me in the context of Albert, since before his aging he did not look sexually mature, but he did mash his face into Heather’s cleavage in how do you like em apples and his body did did have orgasms (albeit with Heather in it) several strips later.

  2. The Phantom's Belch

    … The plot thickens!

    Also, is this the first time we’ve seen Busty give a name? Autumn? Well, it fits her hair, as I kinda-sorta detect auburn highlights in her brown hair. (Kinda like my older sister, before she gained all that gray….)

    1. Yes, it’s the first time she gives her name. For almost 6 years, she was never named.

      “I’m doing it.”

  3. So I’m guessing that other fairy is not enslaved like that if she was willing to help capture Autumn (good to know the gnat’s name now).

    1. Maybe the eyes just stop glowing after a while.

    2. Well, she did refer to Crystal as her mistress

  4. Yes. This. Come for the vastly entertaining webcomic for several consecutive years, stay for the inevitable eventual mind control plot. (kinda my thang :D)

  5. oh boy, this will not end well, i am worried.

  6. Mind control sucks no matter who is doing it… :-/ And soon Autumn’s friendship with Heather will be in ruins…

    1. Are they friends though? After all would a friend really make you see a sexy dress while you are walking around in your highly revealing underwear?

      Seems to me that Busty is simply enjoying a new way of tormenting Heather.

      1. It was probably as close to friendship as a faerie would be capable of under the circumstances.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. She used to do much worse…

        2. They used to say, way back when, that having one of the Fae as a friend was usually even more dangerous than having one for an enemy.

          Or in this case, dangerously sexy.

    2. Mind control is inherently insidious, corrosive, and evil.

  7. So it looks like all Crystal needs is a good stupping for Autumn to be freed.

    Well, there’s little chance of that in this castle, is there? /sarcasm

    1. It’ll be interesting to see if Crystal can stand up to the Curse of Thane.

      1. The blog could probably help you answer that… 😉

        “I’m doing it.”

  8. I knew she was a sorceress.

  9. Am I foreseeing a certain talking horse and his riders return to the castle in some time? Not before Crystal has had her fun with the castles population obviously.

  10. I’m wondering if what we’re seeing here is a flashback. It would explain why Autumn left so quickly when she learned that Crystal was coming. Also if Autumn already knew about Crystal, then why would she go anywhere near the coach?

    1. I think she left out of curiosity when Albert came running into Heather’s room in a panic, to see what was going on. She did not know who Crustal was at that point in time.

      From the viewpoint of the Autumn/Busty telling the story to Kid Attitude, her time in the castle and the village nearby it probably is all a flashback… and her tears at the memories bode ill for the immediate future.

  11. Aha! So, THAT explains her reaction to the purity knights– It wasn’t distaste; it was FEAR.

    1. Yeah, things are slowly coming together, aren’t they?

      “I’m doing it.”

  12. Wait Virgins can control faeries ? O.o

    And she is an evil Virgin that is ! Why am I feeling like her enchantments would only be broken when someone bangs her ? O.o

    1. … Because this is Bloomin’ Faeries? :p

      1. Or maybe because I said the same thing up the page a bit?

  13. She’s “Autumn the Fae” – I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition!

    1. No one ever does.


      “I’m doing it.”

      1. One of histories greatest misconception is the Inquisition. By papal decree, every suspect of the inquisition had to be notified at least 30 days prior to inquisition arresting them, so that they could prepare a defense case during that time. “Nobody expects the inquisition” is the opposite. Every person arrested by the inquisition knew exactly why and when it would happen.

        1. I’m sure that’s true. I was referring to the Monty Python skit. 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        2. I can’t believe this is necesary, that we have a non-pythonist amongst us – But here goes :


        3. I’m pretty sure he knows about the Spanish Inquisition. 🙂

          “I’m doing it.”

        4. I would have also accepted a Mel Brooks reference. “Autumn the Fae? What’s an Autumn the Fae?” “It’s what you oughtn’t to do but you do anyway!” – Torquemada.

  14. Waaaaaaait… So um this means Albert must have lost his innocence at a pretty damn young age then right? Wasn’t he like 12 or so when we first saw him and I don’t remember the fairies having trouble with him…

    1. He’s a boy and he’s a prince. It’s safe to assume he’s fooled around with lower-class girls his age in the past.

      “I’m doing it.”

  15. Since i like Heather’s and Autumn friendship, i hope Heather saves Autumn by getting Crystal laid.

    1. Or Thane-ified…

      1. The Phantom's Belch

        Well, the latter certainly implies the former… 😉

        1. Not… necessarily. Thanification only requires that the subject gets Thane’s semen in them, afaik.

        2. I think the reasoning here is that no woman can resist Thane’s “charm,” so it follows that the “deposit” will occur no matter what.

          “I’m doing it.”

      2. Eh, using Thane would be too easy. I kinda want Heather to put some effort in it.

  16. Hmm. I suppose this explains all those stories where faeries befriend innocent little children and fail to act like vengeful little ****s around them.

    1. That’s precisely why, yes.

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. Now I’m wondering… did Crystal sic her cousins on other kids and stimulate their sexual awakenings just to disqualify them from access to faerie power? Even at that young age?

  17. Sad times ahead 🙁

  18. I’m here hoping that Crystal gets some adjustments to her very flat chest.

    1. Wait, Crystal is a human-sized Faerie? o_O

      1. Nope.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. Knew that, just you have established that Faerie cup-size fluctuates (or grows) based on how much mischief they have performed upon others 😀

      2. Crystal is a faerie whisperer. Not just that, she’s a Virgin Faerie Whisperer. The worst kind if you ask me.

  19. I would say that Crystal worked out that her innocence is the key to controlling fairies. As she reached the age of sexual awareness she decided that she would like to continue controlling the faeries and so did everything in her power to retain her purity staying away from all things pertaining to sex, even kissing.

    Knowing that her cousins were also potentially able to control faeries she ensured that they lost some of their innocence and purity by ensuring they at least had some experience of fooling around.

    She may have the face of an angel but I get the feeling she is a daemon on the inside.

    Let the chaos commence.

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