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#158: Can’t Repress Those!

32 thoughts on “#158: Can’t Repress Those!

  1. I love it, everyone who complained about the faerie magic, now now why they do it, they do it, because we were jerks, and deserve it.

    1. You know, there’s a reason “sins of the father” no longer has a legal definition. They may have been justified in their retaliation and bullying, but not any longer. Now, it’s just assault and cruelty. And just because we haven’t seen the fairy curses that result in people dying or having horrible things happen to them, doesn’t mean that such isn’t happening.

      1. Maybe faeries live a lot longer, and as such, the scars have not healed as fast.

        1. “I mostly do it because its fun.”

          And my being hurt by your father dosn’t justify me attacking you.

      2. I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, I remember using a magnifying glass to try and burn ants (I think I succeeded once or twice). I can’t say it was a very nice thing to do, but I never really concerned myself with the morality of the act. I don’t think I ever lost much sleep on it.

        Humans are ants (to faeries, anyway).


        (Please note that I’m writing this under faerie duress and this statement does not necessarily reflect my personal morals or opinions.)

      3. It’s not like most of the fairies’ curses are that nasty. Granted some are but if you look at it most of the targets of the fairies tend to be jerks, are really repressed, or actually did something to them personally like Thane did to the first Faerie we saw. They also do help out some people they like from time to time as well like in the case of Marie or the Stalker.

  2. that’s no curse.

    1. Sure it is. She’s cursed to a future life of back problems.

      1. Actually, we need to know if the fairy make her boobs bigger or just shred open her bustier so her boobs won’t be repressed? If it’s the latter then the fairy didn’t give her potential back problems.

        1. If you look at panel 3, she doesn’t look even CLOSE to being this busty. Granted, she’s far away and you might argue the bustier was keeping everything in, but there’s no way it could have kept this much breast flesh under control.

          Nah, it’s just an explosion of bewbs.


      2. Probably not. They don’t seem to be very affected by gravity.

  3. > Humans are ants (to faeries, anyway)

    Does not mesh with the stated reason — ants did not “kill many humans”.

    If humans can imprison faeries, steal their magic and even kill them, why do they currently treat the faery situation as normal?
    The more I think about that “reason”, the less sense it makes.

    The only possible explanation is that the boss faery is lying to provide some sort of justification for “burning ants”, because the alternative — Jaycee having painted himself into a corner and is desperately trying to retcon the story — would be unthinkable…

    1. Actually, it’s entirely thinkable that the author wrote himself in a corner. You thought it and I thought it. Therefore, it’s thinkable.

      But I know better. 😉


  4. i tend to agree. they ARE largely sadistic bullies. though the author mentioned something about how if humans go too long WITHOUT sex, they exude some sort of automatic charm effect on fairies..that’s how the fairy whisper was able to do what she did. so i suppose the best way to make sure they don’t all end up charmed is……

  5. It hard to say. It a comic and enjoyable. Most of us would not want that to happen to people in real life, but as a comic, and this is fantasy, I can’t wait to see what Heather selfish bitch attitude get her next.
    Heck if she actually would show to be nice to someone, and or nice to the faerie, i bet it fix a lot of her problems.

    1. Why should she change? So far, all we have seen, is that she has been mean to the servants (which she is entitled to due to her royal position), mean to her brother (which she is entitled to due to her older-sister position) and ignore/be rude to an annoying flying gnat that has been bothering her from the moment it infested the palace

      1. because, being royalty does not give you the right to treat though under you like dirt and worst.

        1. Actually, in OUR medieval times, it’s exactly one of the rights you had as royalty. It’s also, I suppose, one of the reasons why they got their heads chopped off in the end and why tried to do better in America (with mitigated success, one might add).


        2. Oh, i know and am aware, just saying heather could learn something through all this 😀

        3. I think Heather is like the royalty in those times with the exception that she is probably more self-absorbed. If she wasn’t then she probably would’ve learned something by now. lol

      2. I think she takes that attitude to extremes. Remember she also treated Aidan that way before he became Nadia, which she still isn’t aware of BTW. He’s on her social level so that doesn’t fit the excuse.

        I think she is acting more like the czars or French royalty just before the uprisings that removed them from power. Perhaps our Fairies actions will keep that from happening when she becomes Queen. =)

        As for the fairies themselves, they do pick those who deserve it, have done something to them, etc more often than any others but they don’t seem to be above involving others. Case in point is Marie, the original beautification she went through wore off and our Fairy wasn’t really concerned about it. Only Thane’s curse restored her beauty.

        I think the fairies aren’t really evil so much as amoral. Definitely mischievous, but not really concerned about the ethics of what they do. As Busty says; “But now, I mostly do it cause it’s fun.”

        1. That’s a very astute analysis.

          Just sayin’.


        2. True, a lot of their targets not done much, though they tend to pick on heather the most, or use more extreme curses on her. For the most part, only heather really seems to complain about them, lol, unless the other complain off screen, or in the bonus comics, heh.

        3. I notice that the fairies tend to only use their magic on those that have pissed them off or if they have some sort of sexual issue or are repressed sexually.

          I don’t think we have ever seen the fairies mess with anyone that is in a happy sexual relationship.

          I am wondering something about fairy magic. Is it limited to anything related to sex or is it that the fairies are just wired to think that way?

        4. Well to be fair, the wizard magic, the prince use, did more sexual spell also. Female futa, or even an extreme dominatrix.

        5. Is there such a thing as a Male futa?

  6. Whyever would fae justify themselves? They do what they do because it’s what they do. Even if they felt an obligation to be “morally justified” (like a wolf apologizing to its dinner?) thier morality probably has nothing to do with ours.

    1. The faerie is talking to her protege, not to a human.

      To use your analogy, that would be the wolf giving some sort of an “explanation” to his cub.

  7. Hmph,.. If thats a curse,.. I know a few people who would get in line to be “cursed” or to assist the “cursed” in supporting them for a few hours.

  8. BFF (Blooming Faeries Fan)

    I’m impressed with how neatly the fabric always tears, I think the tear is just as magical as the enlargement and not a result of it……

  9. The Phantom's Belch

    One thing I noticed here was that this strip seems to be taking place in Victorian* times, based on the woman’s dress and the gas lamps on the street. The main strip seems to take place in an era somewhere between Late Medieval and the Golden Age of Sail (Aiden having blunderbusses, which are a kind of shotgun, means it’s at least the Renaissance era, when personal firearms first became practical). This Victorian era should be a haven for faerie mischief, as in the Real World it was a hotbed (for lack of a better term) of sexual repression.

    This means that Attitude will probably not mess with Heather at all, unless faeries can travel through time (which could be entirely possible if there is a Faerie Realm they can travel through).

    Still, giving ‘Tude her own story arc (with glimpses of Busty in the background silently observing) could be fun to read.

    Also, as some have said, not all faeries are as “nice” as Busty. Blonde Menace, aka the Helpful Caption, for instance, is quite the malicious faerie in comparison. (I suppose we should be thankful Attitude is under Busty’s tutelage and not Blondie’s.)

    * All time eras are referred to in Real World terms for comparison only, not a claim that the strip takes place in such.

  10. Those are some very clever observations. You’ve gotten a lot of elements right.


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