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#160: Superior Customer Service

29 thoughts on “#160: Superior Customer Service

  1. :-\ I know Thane is probably starved for some company and civilized comfort, but you’d think he’d have learned to scout a place out for female presence by now… and to just order takeout if he did.

    1. Yeah, because Sir Thane has demonstrated such intelligence and forethought in the past. 😉


    2. Yeah, you’d think the name “Cheerful Nymph” might give him some clue…

      1. Funny story, that name. I actually didn’t come up with it, I used a random name generator I found on the web. I thought it was oddly appropriate so I kept it.


        1. You’re still using a stripper/porn star-name generator, aren’t you?

          Anyhoo, I’m disappointed in Gustav; if Thane couldn’t figure out there was a significant risk, his mount should have used his horse sense. 😉

        2. Hey, there will be no dissing of random name generators (stripper names or otherwise) on this board. 😉


        3. *looks innocent* Dissing? Who’s dissing? *twiddles thumbs*

  2. It funny how to much of a good thing is very bad.

  3. Things will invariably get interesting when the innkeeper fails to recognize his daughter.

    1. Supposing it is not his wife “downstairs”…

  4. damn I wish I we saw her original form.

    1. since the curse doesnt involve clothing transformation I am pretty confident she wasn’t ugly before. maybe a butterface, but definitely pretty hot already.

      1. Probably had a ‘stache just like the one on dear old Dad.

  5. Classic Thane!

  6. Damn, that is superior service. Too bad can’t get it like that nowadays that often. 😉

    1. Yeah, makes you nostalgic for the good old days… 😉


  7. hmph,… I thought it was the innkeepers wife since Thane had not “seen” the daughter.

    1. and here I thought I was dense.

    2. Thane’s not very smart, but he DOES have some survival instinct. He’s not going to tell a father that he’s seen his daughter, and she’s… ah… humming under the table. 😉


      1. Thane mght not be lying: maybe he didn’t see the daughter, she just dived straight uder the table (he didn’t see the nuns until they jumped him from behind)

        1. Okay, scratch that: he’s lying about not knowing where she is (Thane obviously doesn’t know the main ule to lying: don’t say something that is a certainty {in this case saying he doesn’t know where she is})

  8. … Why would she drop her panties to give him a blowjob? o_o Both her hands are firmly planted on the floor.

    1. Long story short, she was planning on sitting in his lap and screwing him, but Thane heard the father approaching. He shoved her under the table and tried to keep his countenance while she proceeded to… umm… have fun with his countenance.


      1. That’s not his countenance…

    2. Or perhaps she just likes to air it out whilst preparing for the throes of passion!

      1. That makes a lot of sense too. 😉


  9. Forget boobs, T&A AND ALL THAT OTHER NONSENSE. This is the best D___ mustache in series. All men’s masculinity is bolstered by it’s power and terror.

    1. Yup, you got me. That’s he next step in Bloomin’ Faeries! evolution: ‘stache porn. 🙂


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