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#56: Keep Moving Those Hips, Hunny Bunny

43 thoughts on “#56: Keep Moving Those Hips, Hunny Bunny

  1. So Sir Thane’s curse makes women horny, just not necessarily towards him?

    1. It was never said that the curse made women lust after Thane specifically.


  2. The guy also doesn’t seem to care that they’re in public or that Thane and his horse were watching. Heh!

  3. It also seems to be strictly area of effect sadly. Things might be about to get rough for the male guard.

    1. “i’m serious. some blonde knight looking guy with a talking horse walked up asking about some dame then all of a sudden she starts strippin’! so i decided to take one for the team. then he leaves and she starts freaking out. if you ask me it was her idea just to get me in trouble.” ^^;

      1. ‘Words spoken by a man on his way to the gallows on charges of rape.’

        1. Worse, words spoke by a man on his way to the Alter.. and the awaiting Priest.

        2. On his way to gallows, under charges of rape ? There’s no witnesses. Besides, it’s not like it was forbidden for colleagues to have a romp, every once in a while. No to mention that the female guard is on top of the guy.

          Plus, she probably screamed so loud that she might have been over heard by some people.
          And the way she screamed leaves little to no doubt at all : it could not be mistake for the screams of a woman being raped, but rather of a woman enjoying an affair with a male co-worker.

          But well.

          Anyway, stop predicting such bad things for the guy. What did he do to deserve such a bad fate ? 😉

        3. It doesn’t matter if there aren’t witnesses. If she accuse him of rape, he’ll still be charged.

          She probably thinks she was drugged, which isn’t far from the truth. She’s also clearly not happy about it when the spell wears off.

        4. Technically, SHE pounced him. And he has a blonde knight and a talking horse as witness.
          Still, it could still be used to force him into marriage… still a win-win scenario IMO. Mostly, yeah.

        5. Considering she seems to hate the guy, she will more than likely use this as an excuse to send him to the dungeons. She clearly doesn’t want to marry him.

        6. She was under the magical equivalent of mind-altering drugs when she got freaky with the nearest available male. That does not spell consent to me at all… Her dismay at finding herself in flagrante delicto does not indicate any desire to ever do anything of the sort with this guy, who seems to have been bothering her for a while now.

          She threatened to ram a spear somewhere painful if this guy didn’t stop measuring her cup size. The reason why I predict bad things happening to him, is that I find it unlikely the lady guard will respond in anything close to a pleasant way to what just happened.
          Added to that is the fact that I think this guy’s a died-in-the-wool chauvinist, the way he reacted to her dismay, not to mention his previous dismissal of her objections to him measuring her like she’s a side of meat. I hope he at least gets a black eye. 😉

  4. The curse on Sir Thane is really very, VERY nasty, when you think about it. I pity the lady guard; that is a VERY rude awakening. Judging by his comments, the male guard deserves the beating he seems to be solliciting…

    Also, this strip admirably serves to end the debate whether the horse was trying to help the lady guard strip or stop her from mauling Sir Thane. He definitely has the most common sense of all the characters in the blooming faerieverse so far.

    1. “Judging by his comments, the male guard deserves the beating he seems to be solliciting”
      What ? It’s not like he undressed his female colleague by force.

      1. She was under a curse, so she didn’t consent either.

    2. Yeah, he definitely has Horse Sense.

  5. The male guard def deserves a lil beating if he doesn’t stop after obviously the female guard seems shocked by the turnof events, though there are worse ways to be awakened from a spell(esp when fairies are involved)to be awakened lol(though I get the comments made b4 as far as rape goes, but the comic is quite tongue and cheek, so doubt anything like that was meant to be implied as far as it being condoned or anything)…regardless the female guard(wouldn’t mind seeing a strip based on both the guards as it would prob be interesting as it seems there could be a lot more history there than it seems esp after that) is hot even for a comic character prob the best drawn overall since princess heather…I like how the horse seems to have all the brains between sir thane and the horse(guess the curse still hasn’t made sir thane any smarter lol)

  6. a) Is that the same guard from #52 and #53?
    I thought he was darker.

    b) Is the female guard under the mirror/fairie spell or Sir Thane’s female ardor amplafacation spell…. Or both???

    I ask because she’s using a B cup breastplate to hold DDs.
    Either she didn’t have DDs until the reveal or it IS magic armor.

    1. She’s under Sir Thane’s spell i think.

    2. Uh… Those are much bigger than double-D…

      People seem to think that DD = FRICKIN’ HUGE, but that’s not actually true, and definitely not anywhere near that size. When someone has DD breasts, there is only a 5 inch difference between the measurement around the breasts and the measurement around the ribcage just below them. So judging by the drawing, unless her ribcage is only 4 inches around, she’s more likely to be about a J-cup.

      Sorry for getting technical about a comic, but I can tell you from personal experience that DDs aren’t anywhere near as big as people think.

      1. No, no, it’s good to know these things. Thank you for sharing. ^^

  7. About the rape thing, let’s not get carried away with the legalese, shall we? This isn’t Modern Day, and a world where magic exists most likely has different rules of law just to accommodate that different reality.

    Having said this, let’s look at the facts: a male guard is standing there, next to a comely female guard. She suddenly gets very aroused, and strips down to nothing. Next thing he knows, she’s on top of him, giving him the ride of his life. HE didn’t do anything and he has no clue what’s going on (though he’s DEFINITELY happy about what’s happening to him). That doesn’t exactly scream guilty to me.

    From her perspective, it’s of course a little different. She might think he’s done this to her, though she may not know why. She’s clearly upset, and we can safely assume she’s not going to let this pass. But will she call it rape? Depends on what she remembers, and what kind of person she is. Guess we’ll have to wait and see… 🙂


    1. good points saying the following
      -different worlds = different rules
      – it’s matter of perspective
      – just wait for the next comic.

      1. So the questions now are
        – Will she keep here promise?
        – And if so then just how much spear can he handle?

        1. refer to point 3

  8. She asked for HELP, Jaycee. What the heck. That’s rape, don’t try to shrug it off.

    Oh, and also. Look at that reaction in panel 4! He doesn’t give a shit about her, he just wants to get his rocks off.

    1. Her plea for help (several strips ago) was because she needed help with getting her armor (and herself) off, not a protest against being aroused (she was a little too busy to care). But your personal interpretation is understandable, and I won’t debate it.

      You’re absolutely right about the male guard, though — he doesn’t give a spit about her. Just the kind of person who should be the target of some faerie magic, if you ask me…


      1. Can we vote on whether we’d prefer:
        A) Faeries unload some more of their patented malice on this soldier, or
        B) The lady guard gets to go medieval on his chauvinistic hide?
        My personal vote is for B, by the way…

        1. Why not both?

        2. I’d like to see some normal, human justice. ^^ Whatever the faeries do only touches justice from a very great distance.

        3. Which brand of human justice are you referring to? The one based on reasonable doubt, presumption of innocence, and the rule of evidence (think Twelve Angry Men), or the one that relies on summary judgement, perceptions, and stereotypes (think Witches of Salem)? 🙂

          (Me, I say the second one; it makes for better and bloodier stories. 😉


  9. I find it hilarious that it’s commented that DD’s aren’t huge. looolz
    they might not be this ladies size, but DD’s are still pretty fuggin big compared to the norm of A’s an B’s beein teeny

    anyway. can’t wait to see what happens next. i pretty much guess since the guards are just a side character plot that’s not part of the primary it was meant as a ‘reminder’ of thane’s curse, which in the end is just a tool. I don’t see them being used much later.
    if they are, cool. but as far as story development is concerned, I don’t see much progression made overall if we focused on the guards, so I’m personally not expecting anything grandiose from them.
    So I just find it a little funny people are over analyzing the whole ordeal. it is in fact something funny. but also keep in mind the time period guys, if we wanna get technical. in the period the comic takes place… NORMALLY, the men wouldn’t give a shit, women we ‘meant’ for sex. an in many cases wouldn’t be allowed to be a guard. So really who’s to say what might happen. The male guard might just get a black eye in the end… OR she might just come to like her predicament. who knows. I personally think she might finish the beat him up afterwards. but i’m not too concerned. lol

    1. quickly correcting myself on something I mislabeled… in the time period not ‘meant’ for sex, but in a lot of the male mindsets of that time… they were the servers, the child bearers, the ones to be protected, an the ones to be used for pleasure. They were political gain, gifts between men to bring ties to countries and territories.

      but that’s of course assuming the time period from what we’ve seen so far. an since this ‘is’ a comic an up to the creativity of the creators, it’s all completely up in the air how everything goes. I prefer realism in little nit picky situations like that, but again, I don’t feel the guards are a primary focal point

      1. In said time period ON EARTH, women weren’t allowed to serve as soldiers, unless I am very much mistaken. I’m going to assume that the Blooming Faeries story takes place on a different world, at the very least… Add to this the fact that the lady guard is presumably a trained warrior, or she wouldn’t be put on duty at the gates to the castle. If women can be warriors in this world, the kind of mind that thinks of all women as nothing but child-bearers and -rearers, cooks and cleaners is living in denial, and is asking for pain.

        1. this is where my added comment of “an since this ‘is’ a comic an up to the creativity of the creators” falls into play ^u~

    2. *peers down at chest* B-cups are “teeny”? O_o

  10. sharp, sexy , witty and funny. well done.

  11. Hey, at least these faeries aren’t as dangerous as the Classical ones:

  12. Man I hate the “Awating Moderation” thingie…

    1. For those who don’t want to wait for the Moderation thingamabob, I was linking to a Youtube sound clip that describes what classical faeries are like, and saying how at least the BloomingFaeries faeries are less dangerous. It’s a song by Three Weird Sisters called “The Song of Fey Cross”

    2. This was done to help reduce spam, which I tracked down manually. I’ve just invested in Akismet, a plugin that supposedly does the same thing, only more efficiently. This means comments shouldn’t be awaiting moderation anymore. So let’s see those links! 🙂


  13. Hmm, post seems to have vanished. Just as well, really, it was semi-scholarly boring crap about treatment of women in fantasy fiction from Tolkien to Pratchett. Let’s just say it alters over sixty years from old JRR’s grudging permission for Eowyn to kick righteous Nazgul arse whilst making it quite clear she was abdicating her duties to keep Edoras clean and neat for the boys to come home to with some food cooking in the kitchen. To Terry Pratchett’s roster of kick-arse female characters, specifically Angua the city guard who painfully disabuses men of the notion women aren’t any good at fighting. (In fact that’s germane here, as she has a romance with a fellow Guard…she also has breatplate issues that involve employing a really good panelbeater to let the front of her arour out a bit. ) It does occur to me, though, that the derogation of duties involved in screwing when you are supposed to be guarding the main door, thus letting an intruder in unchallenged, is likely to land both male and female Guard in the shit in a very big way.

    1. Well, I’m kind of sorry we missed the original post… Sounded interesting. But yes, you’re quite correct, there’s been an evolution of female characters in fantasy literature, to a point where they’re now pretty evenly matched. In fact, they’re often displayed as physically equal to male character. If you add the sexual power, they are probably a bit more powerful.

      Of course, that’s counting without Sir Thane wandering by. He’s the Great Equalizer… 😉


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