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#66: En Garde!

44 thoughts on “#66: En Garde!

  1. Good to know she was able to get payback on the guy. He won’t harass her anymore.

    Does the female guard have a name?

    1. he didn’t harass her the first time… She jumped him.

      1. Actually, it was heavily implied that he’s been objectifying her for a long time now, even using his spear to measure her cup size. The way he’s been behaving towards his co-worker managed to irk her enough that she threatened to ram her spear up where the sun don’t shine, so the whole faerie curse-induced sex, followed by his casual treatment of what was to her a hideously unexpected and inexplicable event, were the straws that broke the camel’s back.
        … Whereupon the ‘camel’ seems to have done a number on some of his major bones.

        1. Um… I don’t think a little ribbing even comes close to the beating she gave him. He might be a jerk, but he didn’t deserve to have the shit kicked out of him, after being the victim of the fairy curse.

        2. Nobodyinparticular

          Actually the only one affected by the fairy curse was her, he just happened to take advantage of it. Unfortunately for him the curse still left her totally aware, if not in control.

          By the sound of it the Guard Captain seems to have taken matters in stride and knows EXACTLY what happened. You gotta love Military Justice when its done right.

        3. It was ribbing, it was straight up harassment. He was acting like a pig and he got what he deserved.

          He completely deserved that beating.

        4. Sorry, i ment it wasn’t ribbing.

    2. Bah seems a bit excessive to kick his ass when she was the one cursed jumped him and “woke” up being on top aka the position of power. Hard to classify it as rape when shes on top no? What man is gonna turn down sex with someone he find attractive?

      And as for the ribbing/harassment thing from the back and forth they had it seemed she was more than capable of dealing with the verbal war so using full violence was over the top to me. Especially when theres the whole “you cant hit a girl” thing if he DID try to defend himself.

      1. Wrong on both counts.

        It would still be considered date rape, since she can’t give consent(Being on top doesn’t change that).The violence was more than justified, since she thinks he did it.

  2. I really shouldn’t be enjoying the idea of someone beating up someone they already inflicted gross bodily harm on again… but the big jerk makes it so, so easy to despise him. 🙂

  3. how’s the guy a jerk or jump her? he’s just an fortunate turned unfortunate victim of thane’s curse, if anything she’s in the wrong for beating the living daylights out of him

    1. He wasn’t a victim of Thanes curse, she was.

      What he did was like real life creeps who take advantage of drunk girls or girls who are drugged.

      Also, when the spell wore off on her, she was clearly upset and told him to stop and it didn’t seem like he intended to. So her beating him up after that is just self defense.

      And the first time we saw them, she was warning him to leave her alone, which implies he harasses her alot.

      1. This thread on the male guard’s guilt has gotten me thinking…

        He’s not entirely guilty of what happened, just of enjoying it and not having enough sense to realize something was wrong. And the female guard certainly isn’t guilty of anything, except of concealing some very large boobies (and that’s a BIG crime, in my book, but not the issue here). Both guards were the victim of the curse.

        I’m also not sure we can call Thane guilty, at least not of deliberate intent. He can’t claim innocence about his curse, but on the other end, he’s not the smartest of guys and he can’t exactly avoid human beings for the rest of his life, right?

        And to a certain degree, even the faerie might not be completely guilty. She did cast the initial curse on Thane, but the “female lust” part of it is just a side effect she couldn’t remove, not something she did on purpose.

        So could this be a case of a crime without a criminal? 😉


        1. It seems he has harassed her more than once however, so the beating was deserved.

          She probably thought he did something to her. She was upset when the spell wore off too.

          The guy doesn’t have much excuse since he himself wasn’t cursed.

          In any case, i can understand her being angry.

          Btw, do these guards have names?

        2. Yes, they have names. They just haven’t told me what they are, yet. 😉


        3. Dante & Inferno. 🙂

        4. I thought it was the “Beautifying Semen” part that was the unremovable side effect?

        5. You are correct, but she also DID mention that female lust was a side effect of the curse. She didn’t say it was unremovable, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t.


        6. Nope, I don’t think so. Random side effects or not, all this is ultimately due to the faerie’s magic. Even if we go all the way back to how Sir Thane started it all – by accidentally peeing on the faerie – she could have chosen other options to negotiate for her inadvertent golden shower. And if we say that the faerie did as faeries do, she’s still the catalyst. No magic, no mayhem. Simple as that.

        7. Set the boobies FREEEEE !!!!

        8. I had the impression that the lust aura WAS intended – the side-effect actually being the beautification effect on any woman “stabbed” by Thane.

  4. The argument could go either way really; you can’t blame him for taking a good thing when it was offered straight to him; but you can’t blame her for snapping when she came to her senses in that situation either.

  5. it just goes to show, if you treat a lady with respect you’re far more likely to get what you want than if you act like a pig. I say he deserved a little payback, if for no other reason than for all the women in the world who put up with that crap every day.

  6. She was pretty into it at the time… I mean how was he to know she was under a curse and not in control of herself, the only thoughts going through his mind were ‘Jackpot’ and ‘Boobies!’ LOL did he deserve a beating? Sure maybe a little for harassing ehr so much… But thats a little far… lol XD

    1. “Into it”? Well, so are the victims of date rape drugs. Altered consciousness does not excuse rape.

      1. No, but having no knowledge of the altered consciousness doesn’t mean guilt either.

  7. PinkiePie!0wJahavad!


  8. He’s a head taller and has her at least by 60 lbs.

    He didn’t get beat up. He got life saving instruction on who not to fuck (with).

  9. Problem is said life saving instruction on who not to fuck (with) doesn’t quite apply to the situation he and that female guard found themselves in. She was the one who fucked him. XD

    Of course he should’ve questioned why she changed her tune from chewing him out to jumping him but hey, should she really expect much from him? She obviously knows him well enough to know the answer I think.

    1. Well, now that he’s better trained, maybe she can expect more from him. >:-)

  10. Yes, soldier, MAN UP indeeeeeed. >;J (it suppose to be a evil smirk)

    I wonder what other ideas she still has yet to try.

  11. Hey, by law, drunken consent is still legally consent. Dude’s good.

    1. Drunken, yes, in an altered state of mind, no. Faerie magic is closer to roofies in this case.

      And, seriously, would you want to fuck a guy that harassed you? He’d make a good slave, tho. I can see the collar bringing out his eyes.

      1. drink is also altered state, also i think a ballgag for the woman would be appropriate

        1. Yes, because one beer = one acid drop.
          Good job!
          /sarcasm off

        2. not sure bout you but one beer doesn’t do anything. being drunk is an altered state of mind regardless

    2. No, Drunken Consent isn’t consent, that’s considered Date Rape.

  12. Lord Lurker From Beyond

    This particular comic is insane. They’d never put a man so incapable of doing his duty back on guard duty.

    Furthermore, they’d never put the woman that just went insane, screwed the guard (while on duty), and then attacked him afterward, free, let alone back on duty with weapons with the same guard.

    People go insane all the time, and have little breaks from reality. Most people come back from their psychotic breaks, at least the first few times. But societies never trust them afterward, because society never knows when they’ll next break.

    If they used magic to ascertain when she was under magic influence, then they’d discover she was not under any influence when she attacked the guard, so she’d still be in trouble for that.

    Her life as a guard in this community is over. She is either insane, unstable, or both.

    Just as most to all the women affect by the faerie’s curse would be destroyed. Eventually, some group of upset related menfolk are going to track down the knight who is always around when this curse strikes, torture him, and kill him.
    That fits the fairie perfectly, since she likes to mind rape people and force them to do humilating things to themselves and others. Fitting for a member of the fae, as they were never good beings in an story before the fairy tales were cleaned up and Disneified.

    People keep saying “not really a victim”, and “they deserve to be beaten up for something I am sure”, but that’s just BS. Two wrongs never make a right. If the knight knows about his effect, then he should retire to be a hermit, if he follows any code of chivalry.

    I know it gets in the way of an echi comic. Echi and hentai comics are their own thing, and have no real code of morality or just deserts. But when people start bitching about rape and worthy beatings based on reality, they are apparently ignoring their claimed basis for such— reality. In reality, the beaten guard would be facing diciplinary charges for screwing on duty, and the guard that attacked him would be facing death or imprisonment for it— for the good of her SOCIETY (to protect society FROM HER— because in reality women are BLAMED for lack of self control, not protected). That’s the reality, but it wouldn’t be entertaining in a comic.

    In the comic, this is all the fault of the fairy, and she enjoys the fact that she is ruining lives, causing chaos, and the raping and impregnation of so many. It’s a way to make exercise her own power over existance. She enjoys letting people get happy, and then taking that happiness away from them. She’s a cruel, caprishious creature, well deserving of the name fairy.

    When judging this comic, you had best leave “reality” away from it, because in reality, the fairy is destroying communities and ruining lives with everyone she comes in contact. This is why all the old fairy tales were tales of caution and warning— because nothing good ever comes out of the fae.

    1. *sounding applause* Well said there. And lovely you took the time to write such a well thought-out response. For me, the comic is a bit of an intellectual exercise, to draw parallels with the world as it is. As for the code of chivalry, I’m sorry to say it was mostly only a code. Your everyday knights usually bothered little with morality or followed the code. Some sources state that there’s a real possibility the chivalric code was mostly meant to inspire bravery before battle (see U of York for comprehensive account). I could see the knight in question here being bound by it, as befits a literary figure.

      Jaycee, you obviously attract a high-brow audience with this comic.

    2. “This particular comic is insane.”


      So which part of it convinced you? The talking horse? The Man With Two Cannons ™? The Orc babe?

      For me, it was the polka-dots in Thane’s armor. Seriously, what knight dresses like that? ; )

    3. Considering she was defending herself, no action would be taken against her.

  13. Yowza!

    I can see a lot of you are taking this topic very seriously. And in our reality, all these things would be severely twisted. Anyone really wishing the events in this strip really happened to anyone, for any reason, would probably end up in a padded cell before long.

    But this is a tongue-in-cheek comic. It’s just a fantasy, nothing more. I know I don’t take any of it seriously, and I’m hoping none of you do either.


  14. I need to but in here, yes she most likley beat the living daylights out of him, somhow.
    But the part of my brain that keeps me comming back to this website makes me think she turned the tables on him, and gave him a ride he’ll never forget, thus the injuries are from not beeing able to handle her, and thus injuries of “love”, because if they were not she would have no reason to threaten him with said spear and sertanly not with a smirk.

    And given the woman that I know that kinda smirk usually means i just got beaten at my own game in some way.

  15. in this case “man up” means shut your face and let the women abuse you anyway you can, whether you deserve it or not.

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