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#72: Ch-Ch-Changes

52 thoughts on “#72: Ch-Ch-Changes

  1. Figures. Did he also change “down there”, or is it just the top half?

  2. i think he changed everywere only because the hanky fell to the floor indicating that theres nothing holding it up any more

  3. gender swapping. meh.

    1. clarification: i dont care about gender bender.
      point is, everyone his own poison.
      I still am allowed to be vocal about my dislikes, though.

      1. Streaky streaking streacum streakiness!
        Personally, I’m all for two clitoris. Clitoris’s? Clitorises? Clitorii? Whatever: Clits, lovely, lovely clits!

        And that’s how to end an argument. With clits! Who can argue with clits?

  4. Not as sexy as I thought, not really one for ‘overly muscular’ but so called it.

    1. Actually, plenty of people dig the muscular look.

      What is “Sexy” is subjective.

      1. I understand that, just not my cup of tea. Like you said it’s all subjective..

        1. It looks less natural. Given the same nutrition and training, women accumulate less muscle mass then men due to lower testosterone levels.

          Also, the other body proportions (chest, shoulders, etc.) are still “wrong” for a woman.
          He looks like a male with breast implants

        2. Wrong!

          There are plenty of women built like that in real life slick. So you are greatly mistaken.

  5. Does she have two………?

  6. In fact I find it good – what typically happens is you have people do TG and it is the standard Man to pretty girl – it is kinda good to see Man to same built girl – as it is just more “natural” I … suppose…. in a magically type of … um … way ….

    Anyway – I like the story – have always liked it – will continue to like it…. thanks for your work 😀

    1. > it is kinda good to see Man to same built girl – as it is just more “natural”

      Actually, Dawn, I disagree.

      There is more to sexual dimorphism in humans than just the breasts and genitals (see

      1. Wrong chico.

        Look at the female bodybuilding competitions, there are plenty of women built like this in real life.

        And Wikipedia isn’t a reliable source, so get you facts straight.

        1. they usually dont have tits like that, until theyre implanted.

        2. “Slick”, “Chico”, what are you, 14?

          The wikipedia article has a “references” section. You are welcome to follow the links if you want authoritative sources.

        3. I agree – mostly in the real world you can state that there are in fact mostly (high percentage) differences in the physical bodies of men and women, however, I was more thinking about the “reality” of magic – not in the reality of physical differences – sorry for not clearing that up.

          More natural to mean is more around the increasing and decreasing of body mass. There is nothing that states it shouldn’t happen – but to me if the magic spell used (as a base spell) converts the figure from male to female, it would do so without changing the body mass by much.

          And if you are wondering where he got the mass for the breasts – one there is some slimming to the body seen between the two …. but two, he just lost two big …. male bits 😀

          Anyway – I really don’t believe “serious” conversations to be made out of this – after all – it is just a fun entertaining webcomic which I really enjoy 😀

        4. I still don’t see how using “slick” or “chico” indicates an age of 14.

  7. It also doesn’t seem like the Duke has noticed…..

  8. Castle Belle, 2nd service?

  9. Will she still have double the equipment?

  10. Dragonchild, are you kidding? He’s become a DREAM GIRLFRIEND! Cute, blond and with nice boobs…but she’s big and strong enough to back you in a fight. Also, after sex…you can talk about guy-stuff and she wont be all weird about it ;>)

    1. > He’s become a DREAM GIRLFRIEND!

      What makes you think that he’s suddenly into guys now?
      The fact that his body has changed does not necessarily mean that his sexual preferences did.

      1. Did you even read his post slick? Feaster said nothing of The Duke being into men, just the the Duke was the Perfect Girlfriend.

        Besides, whats wrong if the the Duke is?

  11. Who saw this coming raise your hand. o/
    Seriously, an interesting twist, can’t wait to see what’ll happen now.
    As for the muscular subject, the princess pulled it off well better than him…her?

  12. Prediction of Boobies came true. 🙂

    will be interesting to see which way this turns out.

  13. i forsee an intimate encounter with a certain knight

  14. XD!!! Wow I knew it funny part is he looks like Riot from Jem. XD

  15. Looks like he went from once a Knight to Six Pack AB-by

  16. PinkiePie!0wJahavad!


  17. does this mean instead of 2 staffs, he now has 2…. wait a sec this get’s complicated.

    1. “Instead of 2 swords, he has 2 sheathes”?

      1. To elaborate on the question on the shotgun approach … is it under over or side by side?

    2. Physiologically, the female equivalent of the male penis is the clitoris (they develop from the same tissue in an embryo), so the logistics problem should be somewhat easier to handle. That said, given the sensations these puppies can effect, I shudder at the thought of having two of them…

  18. This Lurker guy is a real know-it-all jerk!

  19. Hey everyone,

    I personally love reading all your comments and I have a general free speech policy. We’re all friends, here, and we all share a common… appreciation (ahem) for faerie mischief. I’m going to ask you all to please focus on that and avoid personal attacks.

    This strip has been going on for almost 2 years, now, and we haven’t had a flame war yet. Why break such a great streak?

    (Heh. I said streak. 😉 )


    1. Say, have we had a streaker yet in the comic ?

  20. Jaycee is right. Stick with the humor and entertainment value of the comic set in a fantasy world, and leave the plain ordinary standards/rules of our world out of it.

    1. Not quite what I said, but it’s in the same spirit. I actually enjoy reading these real-world biology factoids. 🙂


  21. Hmm… now… if he’s still carrying the other spell/curse (any woman in his vicinity is going to have her arousal meter set on 10)… (s)he is about to go into more or less permanent ‘heat.’ The other side effect (the one caused by his seed) is probably not an issue though as there is no seed produced now. I think (hard to say for certain with the naughty bits hidden at the moment).

    1. This is (was) Duke Aidan, not to be confused with Sir Thane (who’s otherwise occupied with a green-skinned orc at this moment).


  22. Kristin I think you are confusing the knight with the good Duke here. The knight is currently having his salami appraised by the delightful Orc woman, Baby. Of course if Aidan meets the knight it will be even more complicated as ol’ twin-cannon will have to come to terms with the gender-bend.

  23. what do you mean ” IF Aidan meets the knight” ?
    you actualy doubt they’ll meet ?

  24. Wait… two clitori.

    And once Sir Knight escapes from “Baby”, his spell to attract the opposite sex will collide with the Duke Nuke’ems lifelong preference for women.


    And if the Principle Of Contagion applies, then the Duke should also be orgasming every time the bell tolls the hour… or perhaps every time the Princess does.

    After all the spell wasn’t supposed to change his gender. It was just supposed to give him confidence.

    Instead it copied everything about the Princess, except for her good looks.

    Er, you can fix that in the next panel, right? More Female and less She-Male ?

    1. > Er, you can fix that in the next panel, right? More Female and less She-Male ?

      Since the general consensus here is that Duke Aidan must meet Sir Thane, this “problem” will sort itself out. Although that also implies him being sexually attracted to the knight…

      Pure speculation on my part but I see several possibilities for the events to unfold:

      1) The Duke’s sexual orientation changed along with his body. This solves the problem but I hope that it is not the case since was looking forward to see him spend some quality time with the female residents of the castle.

      2) The Duke is still a “man in a girl’s body”. In that case being irresistibly attracted to the knight will be a very confusing (to say the least) experience for him.

      3) Perhaps the meeting will not happen after all… Nah, who am I kidding? Vox populi and all that shit.

      4) The Wizard will try to fix his mistake, but given his general incompetence, will only make a bigger mess. I should feel sorry for Aidan but my curiosity gets the better of me and I really want to see the ensuing clusterfuck (from a safe distance, of course). I am a bad person.

      5) The Wizard will try to protect Aidan from the effects of Thane’s curse. And since we’ve only seen him perform one spell, the valiant knight may also get introduced to the joys of femininity. Now that is going to be interesting.

      6) Fairies interfere. All bets are off.

      Happy holidays to you all and have a wonderful new year!


  25. Seeing as the spell sorta backfired, what are the chances of the following.
    1. The prinsess is now a prins, due to the duke beeing femal now
    2. What ever curse the princess catches next will also apply to the “Duke”
    3. If the “Duke” and Sir Thane were to meet, would that make the new Duke prettyer.

    And where dit his armor plating go and I wonder if it is also affected by this new spell, if not those new “pecks” might make it somwhat uncomfy ..

  26. Well, all this speculation is facinating as heck, but with all the wild cards running around this strip…I’d say that even my best guess would be a mile off, so I’m not going to try. Wizard, Mirror and Fairies are only the most obvious possibilities.

    What I will say is…doesn’t she look happy? The poor Dukes been a swaggering lout for too long. Maybe a little time “Playing for the other team” might be good for him. I for one think that Duchess Aidan looks cute, and I’m hoping she sticks around for a while. From what I’ve seen of the transformations that Princess Heather has undergone, it’s obvious that Jaycee likes drawing muscular women ;>)

  27. I hesitated to add my two cents, but felt the need to balance the negativity about women with visible muscles. Women have all the same muscles that men do, just smaller (on average). Being “visible” on a woman requires a very strict fat-free diet more than any form of exercise to build larger muscles. In real life, unfortunately (from my viewpoint), this DOES result in loss of breast mass (being primarily fat). So, women bodybuilders must use implants to regain what they lost, or even increase to compensate for any perceived loss in feminity. I don’t mind guys expressing their preference for the soft, frail look they prefer in a woman, so long as they can avoid being insulting to the women who don’t fit their mold (or the guys who like them).

    For what it’s worth, I like both body types, but really prefer how the Duke/Duchess looks now. In this scene, she SAYS she “feels GREAT!!!”. I think she LOOKS great and look forward to seeing what her orientation is/will be, but fear the transformation (like most in this comic) will be too short-lived to see much serious exploration of this change to him/her. It’s only going to last for as long as it has comedic value, after all.

  28. I have to agree with Mister Feaster in that Bloomin’ Faeries is seldom what you expect but always an interesting twist. So I’m going to wait and see.

  29. Another thought. What if this spell copied all the princess’ physical attributes at the time the sample was obtained? Since she was she-man at the time of the sampling, due to a curse, would it duplicate ALL of the curses laid on the princess at the time? Were there any others in effect at that time?

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