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#74: Like Aidan, Reversed.

33 thoughts on “#74: Like Aidan, Reversed.

  1. Jeez, this wizard is seriously desperate to get some!

  2. Considering that would be his _daughter_ he’s now lusting after, things just got a little kinkier on this strip.

    ..Again! ^_^

    1. BTW, nice job with the preplanned name change (Aidan Nadia). I always thought the name Aidan looked odd, but didn’t see the reverse spelling until it was pointed out. I hope we’ll be seeing Nadia for a looong time. So, long does an incompetent wizard’s spell last, anyway?

      1. the obvious answer is, until it’s comically expedient… probably during the middle of something sweaty

      2. Why did you think Aidan was odd? It a real life boys name. Nothing odd about it.

  3. Nice to see Nadia/Aidan enjoying herself! I too had caught onto the name a while ago, but just assumed it was either a fluke or an homage to someone named Nadia.

    Still, it’s kind of nice to see that Nadias personality is the same. Man or woman, she’s always self-absorbed.

  4. So Nadia is a hot Lesbian amazon? Cool.

    And it’s creepy that the wizard would hit on his son turned daughter, but then we already knew he was a perv. :p

  5. So since we cant see the important part of Nadias lower body… Does she still have her two penes?

    1. No, that was shown last time when the napkin fell.

      The real question is, does Nadia have to Vajayjay”s?

  6. Have people forgotten that Aidan (now Nadia) is actually the wizard’s adopted/foster son? They aren’t actually related. Although it could be deemed a bit perverted to hit on your foster child, there’s no actual incest going on here.

    1. The fact Aidan/Nadia is adopted doesn’t really change much. That’s still the person he raised as his own child. So it’s still falls under the same issue.

      1. It might be seen as a “similar” problem, but certainly not the same issue. Incest only applies for two people that are biologically related (i.e. they share genetics). Like I said – it might seem a bit perverted to hit on your foster son/daughter, but it is nowhere near as bad as if they were your biological son/daughter (and I’m talking adult son/daughter here – if they are a child, it is wrong whether they are related to you or not).

  7. What Ghost said. He/she is adopted. Anyway, the Wizard shouldn’t be sad. If he’s allowed to.. “supervise” his son’s sex life, he should get some nice “supervision” of his daughter’s steam lesbian sex life.

    What? I’m allowed to be a perv too.

    1. Granted, he wasn’t allowed, he invited himself last time.

  8. I wonder what else this spell has cause. Like is Nadia a mix of Aidan and Heather? Personality wise i mean, though Nadia has Heather’s blonde hair.

    Though so far, it’s still seems she mainly has Aidan’s personality.

  9. PinkiePie!0wJahavad!

    my brothers name is aidan

    1. Aidan is a legitimate name indeed. I always thought that Duke Aidan just sounded GOOD.


    2. I meant no disrespect to anyone actually named Aidan. Perhaps I should have said the name is not one _I_ have run across before in my 49+ years. This comic was my first time seeing it. Hence, ..odd to me.

    3. Make him put a woman’s hankie on his schlong and tell us if the results are reproducible.

  10. Here’s an interesting question…does aidan “character change” affect the curse he had on him prior to being turned female(Or because the change seems at first few pages merely a physical one how will it show itself..since mentally atm, he still seems to be “aidan”, will females still get cursed around him or because he’s a she, will it affect males around him now?)? I’m sure if it doesn’t change the original curse it will lead to some interesting storylines

    1. I think you are mixing two characters togheter, aren’t you? 😀

      1. Yes Glenn is confusing Sir Thane and Aida. Both were cursed by fairies but Aidans is just that he has 2 “guns” while Thanes has several parts including extream famale erotisism and his seeds ability to make women beautiful as demonstrated with the orger a few panels back

        1. Which, BTW, I hope we’ll be seeing more of the “new & improved” female ogre, too. ..and by more, I mean front and side views. ^_^

        2. She’s an ork. An ORK! 🙂

          And yes, I’m sure she’ll be back.


  11. I quote ‘Mom, Aidan cut me in half again!’

    Aidan is INDEED a legitimate name! And I personally like how it sounds, both as Nadia and the original! 😀

  12. yeah i was confused oops

  13. Other than seeing Thane going around with the beutyorc(it SHOULD be a new race of orc) I wonder if Nadia and Thane will ever meet or even will Thane meet the princess?(Forgot her name, sorry.)

  14. With this gender-bender… doesn’t this mean Nadia has two holes?

  15. Dude. This is nice. XD

  16. If I had fraternal twins I would totally name them Aidan and Nadia.

    1. And then one day you can show them this comic and say “Kids, this is how I chose your names!” and scar their little minds for life.

  17. Wow…I was kind of expecting that kind of turn-out, but still…wow.

  18. Am i the only one wondering what the asian faerie expert reaction, is gonna be to the wizards shenanigans?

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