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#84: It’s the Thought That Counts

27 thoughts on “#84: It’s the Thought That Counts

  1. He’s actually thinking what every guy reading this is thinking right now.

    I’m the first.

    1. I agree 120%.

  2. I will be sad if the chick guard turns out to be a lesbian.

    1. Well, Nadia DOES have epic boobs. And as we all know (, epic boobs can turn heterosexual females into lesbians in 0.39 seconds. 🙂


      1. Not only does Nadia have Epic Boobs, she also have a really nice smile. 🙂

        1. And very pretty hair.

  3. I’m glad everyone is getting along, now we just need some kind of madness ie Thane or Heather.

  4. J Smith is right because we all know that guys have gotta see ’em all

  5. I’m surprised the male guard hasn’t taken his fantasy to the logical conclusion where the girls invite him to join in. lol

    1. That’s the NEXT panel, and I don’t think it would be fit for publication. 😉


      1. To be fair, I think they would make a cute triangle.
        Two strong women (well, one women and one gender bender) who seems to “click” with one another, and whom would go absolutely nuts if someone at the bar tried to harm their boy-toy. A bit of role reversal form the norm. Bro-love + Protectin’ da gurl.

        Sounds like there could be a genuine story in there.
        I’d read it. 🙂

  6. that was funny. Where your mind is noww. DAHHHHHH

  7. wow… as soon as he got turned into a woman, he actually got more… intelligent…

    1. The bar wasn’t set very high. 😛


      1. There was a bar ?
        I mean – apart from the one she’s drinking at ?

  8. Stupid stereotype that. Not even close to what every guy thinks. What is the point. Lesbians find guys as sexually attractive as pubic hair on soap. Why the fuck you want to waste you time in bed with two people that find you less desirable then pubic hair on soap?

    1. True, but the silliness of the stereotype doesn’t prevent guys from fantasizing. They think it applies to OTHER guys — that they’ll be the first one to “turn her back” to “normal” heterosexuality. Unconsciously, they figure, “I’m SO attractive, when she sees ME, she’ll immediately switch teams.”

      Yeah, it’s got nothing to do with reality, but that’s why it’s called fantasizing.

      If you really want to fight the stereotype and get the point across to guys, tell them to substitute the word “lesbian” with “one of the guys (who happens to have a female body)”.

      As in: “I want to have a threesome with two lesbians” becomes “I want to have a threesome with two of the guys.”

      Usually, their repressed homophobia will do the work. 😉


    2. Sure it’s a bit of a stereotype but it is true to some extent with all guys in some fashion. Guys tend to have instincts to want to have sex with as many women as possible to perpetuate the species and keep them strong. That’s not to say that men don’t have instincts to commit to a single woman but we do have that instinct to propogate as much as possible to strengthen the race. It really depends on the enviroment, upbringing, the situation, etc.

      The fantasy about turning two lesbians straight or at least bisexual for a threesome is more following along that intinct of having sex with alot of women. That and the fantasy makes a guy feel more masculine and better than other men if he is able to turn a lesbian straight/bisexual when they could not.

      1. Of course Lesbianism doesn’t work that way, you can’t turn a lesbian “straight” or “Bisexual”.

    3. I don’t think it’s lesbians that most guys fantasize about. Rather it’s bisexuals or, most likely “mostly straight but will make out with another woman as a precursor to a threesome”.

      Now, regarding pubic hair on soap, that has some potential… 🙂

      1. > Now, regarding pubic hair on soap, that has some potential… 🙂

        Two words: “Eee” and “Yew”


  9. shoulda been reply to first comment. not used to replying 😛

  10. Pretty much what happens every time I invite one of my lesbian friends to hang out with me and the guys.

  11. Im thinking exactly what hes thinking. XD

  12. I like Nadia. I hope she doesn’t get changed back, and continues to be an awesome, buxom, muscled, happy lesbian.

  13. Hmph.
    Side-stepping the fantasy, (And here as a male I thought it was about being in bed with multiples of women period – go figure – I was supposed to want them to maul each other?), We seemed to have missed that uncomfortable frame where the Fem guard decides not to bail and the Male guard introduces the woman he has become a lap ornament for and the ice breaker that gets them drinking and talking.

    Outside of that – I nice development,… If “Nads” is gonna hit it “she” needs to get it in gear,.. her dad as a cure.

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