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#95: Test Subject

26 thoughts on “#95: Test Subject

  1. If that potion does what we all assume it does…..”She” still won’t have much luck with the Princess.

    Unless Heather goes both ways that is.

    1. …Or, potion #3 helps in that department.

    2. Hey, if this potion works properly, she won’t even CARE!

  2. A face shows a meaning ….YOU TEASE X3

    1. I try. 🙂


  3. It seems the Prince is not so different from his sister, blackmailing this guy like that.

    1. There was never any pretense that Albert was *nice*, just that he’s not as mean spirited as his sister.


      1. The difference between their levels of nastiness is sometimes rather subtle…

        1. This makes me wonder what the King and Queen are like…

  4. Damn! It’s going to be a looong week waiting to see what the prince sees.

  5. The young prince is going to be one messed up kid.

    1. In some ways, he already is one.

  6. the young prince will get into magicks and turn every old bastard into a hot chick.

  7. Albert is becoming my fave character, just for being smart in a world where everyone seems dumb.

    1. No kidding…Al, at least, has the brains to test out mysterious potions before chugging them himself.

    2. Except he’s pretty dumb himself, not knowing what gendermorphism meant. Also, his sister was able to out smart him…

      1. Considering he looks to be about 10 years old (if that) and Heather is significantly older, he’s doing pretty well for himself.

    3. Don’t mistake an inadequate vocabulary for stupidity. Just because he hasn’t heard a particular word before doesn’t mean the concept behind the word is beyond his grasp. How many people know what “Antidisestablishmentarianism” means the first time they encounter the word, without looking it up?

      1. It is a good indicator. I’d argue that the whole Royal family is not very bright.

        1. That’s a little harsh. I know a lot of very bright people with poor vocabulary (or who can’t spell) and a lot of well-educated people with poor critical reasoning skills.

          But I’m with you on the Royals not being very bright. That’s what you get when cousins marry.


      2. Well, I used to know what it means, but I haven’t seen the word (or its definition) in years and years (and when you get older like me, you start running out of ‘active memory’ and have to put rarely used info in ‘archival storage’.

        ANYWAY, let’s break this down: the root of the word is “establishment” – aka ‘The Man’. Then you’ve got “dis-” in front of it, so “disestablishment” is ‘bring down The Man’, and “anti-” makes it ‘stop the bringing down of The Man’…then you’ve “-arian” which is roughly ‘one who is of or in support of’, and then “-ism” which is ‘some object or action of the {root}’.

        So “antidisestablishmentarianism” comes out to be “something done or said by one who is against the breaking down of the status quo”?


  8. Given the look on Albert’s face, I don’t think I’m going to like what’s coming next.


    1. Look at his face again. He’s DROOLING at what he sees. He’s VERY happy with the results of this potion (as long as someone ELSE drinks it).

  9. Albert is such a little bastard…

    It seems like the potion turned the peeping tom into something Albert finds delightful to see… But why would it turn him into a naked woman? Is that the nature of its instability?

    1. The unstable Potion of Virility made changes to people without affecting their clothing. I think instead of making clothes vanish it may have given ‘her’ some very big boobs, which we know Albert is a fan of.

  10. “Drink THIS vial of unlabelled fluid!”

    “Seems legit”

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