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#120: Singing in Perfect Harmony

31 thoughts on “#120: Singing in Perfect Harmony

  1. Three of my favorites females (counting the lurker) all in one strip. I’m in heaven. ^_^

    1. And not a one of them seems the least bit aware of the presence of the other two.

      1. Panel two… The Lurker Marie almost said “who’s that?”.

      2. A pity though.
        I hoped for a team-sport, not standalone DIY sessions…

        1. Patience, little grasshopper. 😉


        2. There is a faerie in the room. All you have to do is wait for it…

        3. Patience too? So you’re saying we’ll get a 4 at once in the future?

        4. LOL! I see what you did thar. 😉


        5. > Patience, little grasshopper. 😉

          You mean Patience gets to join? Wow…

        6. Good one. Same as the joke two posts above, only three days later.

          Ya blew it.

  2. 5 O’Clock already?

    1. I only counted three dongs. Er, chimes. No dongs in THAT room!

    2. I was hoping for 20:00 hours.

  3. 4th panel, to funny on the puns.

  4. Appropriate sound for the bell to make, I’d say!

    1. Well played.

  5. Synchronized climax. Nice!

  6. Making three women climax at the same time… They said no man alone could do it, but a faerie can.

    1. P.S., I really like Marie’s expression in the first panel.

  7. so Patience will bi there to ? 😀

    1. Pun duly intended, I assume?

  8. I think I missed something, how are the two maid marie’s getting affected by the bell?

    1. They are not affected by the bell, just by their own lusts that just happens to have perfect timing by said bell.

      1. maybe patience did something with that potion, could be they’re syncuntized. would explain why marIIe is constantly horny.

        1. Patience? Don’t you mean the blonde faerie?

        2. yes. however she’s named, you get the idea.
          I’ll call fem-lurker Marlie from now on.

        3. I have to agree with Gallstone, Patience was a very well endowed female guard. The Lurker Potion turned Lurker into the “Lusty Maid Marie” while Marie is just enjoying her body after some Thane love. The rest is just well timed orgasms.

  9. Waiting for Lurk(h)er and Pretty Marie to meet: “You look like me!” “No, I’m me, who are you?”

    1. Lurkher, i like it!

  10. Now THAT is one synchronized sport I would pay good money to watch!

    1. I second this and we should start a petition for an official olympic event!

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