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#127: A Little Attitude

19 thoughts on “#127: A Little Attitude

  1. Wow, Attitude most be really old then.


    Wait, didn’t you give her the name Attitude?

    1. Heh. There’s “reality” and there’s the story I’m telling in the comic. They don’t need to be the same. 😉


      1. Or if you don’t like that explanation, just consider that not all faerie magic needs to be blatant. Maybe Attitude placed a suggestion in Jaycee’s mind so he’d ‘give’ her the name she was already using, and she could punish him for daring to name her, anyway.

  3. I like it. 🙂


    1. And so did the charm and innocence of yester year fall…
      … to envy. *sad*

  5. Now that you have a new hair color and kickass name: lets get to work on those other “details”.

    1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t a lot of those other ‘details’ come about as a visible indicator of power and power comes from fucking with people. So the more she fucks with people the more she… blossoms?

      Our original faerie has seen a considerable power boost since her initial run in with Sir Thane. I’d say about 4 or 5 cup sizes worth of power.

      1. Yes, pranking people makes them stronger and swells their chest, allowing them to play ever more vicious pranks.

        And the faerie who hit Thane up with all those curses was already acknowledged as one of the most powerful who ever lived… o_o

  6. Aw, I will miss that doe-eyed innocent wonder in her as she grows to the Attitude we know today.

  7. We know Attitude today?

    Is that a character someplace else?
    Some other media?

    1. Read the blog posts beneath the comic. Start at the beginning. You will soon know Attitude…

      1. And so shall she know you as well

        1. On the upside, the little stinkgnat’s been away for a long, long time now. With luck, she’s locked up in an anti-magic dungeon somewhere. 😀

        2. nietzsche? Abyss and all?

    2. On the right side you should see a list of blog characters.

  8. Never realized how faeries and strippers share the same naming conventions. Not complaining – they seem to share a lot!

  9. I sense a bad attitude coming this way.

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