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Bloomin’ Faeries! #358

43 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #358

  1. So the answer is yes, Aidan/Nadia does hate Crystal.

    1. well Aidan maybe, but Nadia, we do not know yet

      1. We do, Nadia has the same memories as Aiden. This is a flashback.

        1. That’s not the impression I get. Nadia may remember some or most of the same events as Aidan, but she doesn’t seem to remember that she *was* once Aidan.

        2. Obviously. But she still remembers this and she still remembers Crystal.

    2. No guarantee’s about that
      Maybe when it happened, but after years of being a soldier, and now a female, so if anything she may turn out to be very grateful

      1. That seems highly unlikely, those soldiers didn’t take him away to be a soldier, they just took him away and he was able to return until after he became a hero.

        Yes, she’s happier as Nadia, but then she thinks she always was a woman and a lesbian.

        1. I can see it happen as rule as funny, due to the fairy wanting her “explosion of breasts”, and Nadia causes the breasts to shrink back down.

        2. Where do you believe they took Aidan? And how do you think he became a Hero?
          Wait, where was it said that Nadia always believed she had been female? And that she doesn’t remember being Aidan? o_O

        3. She just remembers these events as happening to her as Nadia.

          Go back to Aiden first became Nadia.

  2. No possible grudge there

  3. That seems like a very long time to hold a grudge. People need to learn to let things go.

    1. Not when it can cause fairy mischief.

      1. Childhood trauma leaves lasting scars.

    2. Not really. Seems like the perfect amount of time to hold a grudge.

  4. And that’s how she got giant boobs!

  5. Yeah, that’d cause some ill feeling.

  6. Sigh…SMH.

    1. 12 weeks +/- now. PG-13 strip. R adds full of plastic and fake…sorry, now I am complaining. hope it changes soon. I love this strip.

  7. Anyone else find it unusual that Young Crystal is clearly interested in being kissed, but Adult Crystal’s sex drive is (nearly) dormant?

    1. Looks like someone’s paying attention. 🙂

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. maybe something to do with her compulsive need to apologize?

        1. It did surprise me…
          Curious to see the explanation, and hopeful it wasn’t just to “steal” him from Heather.

      2. My guess is Crystal ticked off the wrong caster, who put her under a curse until she apologized to everyone she had wronged. The curse probably dampened her sex drive and her ability to make people miserable herself, hence why she can charm faeries (and asks them to mess with people for her).

        Odds are the faerie has fallen in love with the personality she got from the curse, and she’ll be in for a rude awakening once it’s broken and Crystal can act like her old self again.

  8. That’ll do it/

  9. I have to wonder when Aidan is going to come back, or is Nadia apparently his permanent form now? If so that does seem a little harsh.

    1. Nadia is permanent, she had the chance to go back and turned it down

    2. More importantly, Nadia is happier as a woman.

  10. So, we begin to understand Crystal’s pathology. A deep rooted body image issue – this is not uncommon, and is why there is a large cosmetic surgery market.

    This is surely not the only incident that caused her issues, but does help us understand why she is the way she is.

    1. The cosmetic industry created the body image issue; not the other way around.

      1. To assume it’s all one way or the other is likely an oversimplification of the real factors at work.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. I get all my cosmetics from Fairy Kay. Maybe it’s my body image, maybe it’s fable-line.

      2. Yeah, that’s a pretty radical assumption. It’d be impossible to separate the existence of one from the other. Poor self-esteem is a fundamental part of the human condition.

  11. Looks like Aidan just got press-ganged, and after years of thinking how great his life turned out can finally thank Crystal

    1. I doubt it.

      1. Why?

        1. Because that’s clearly not the case.

        2. Actually, that is the case

  12. Did it ever occurred to anybody that the big cruel secret of Crystals change is: She grew up from being a brat to a decent person? 😀

    Its not her fault the fairys got attracted to her; thats whatever is in the fairys nature. And the wild stuff happening was the fairys being fairys trying to impress their “best fried” who for all we know just did not knew better. See it her way: One day a fairy pops up in front of her trying to be her best friend; that does not require her knowing the reasons or pulling malicious plans.

    I’ll re-read but right from memory I cannot even remember adult C pulling off some intentional evil stuff, just kid C; and kids doing mean and evil stuff is not that unheard of.

    1. Careful, you may attract the Crystal-smashers

    2. Except we know that’s not true since she was treating the Faeries as slaves and present day Crystal has been body shaming and bullying other women.

      So no, she’s not nice.

  13. At least they were well mannered, polite henchmen…

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