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Guest Strip by Barry Linck

24 thoughts on “Guest Strip by Barry Linck

  1. Good thing it’s also youth potion.

    Do the 3 lines mean the right boob is surprised?

    1. I’m pretty sure there’s a law somewhere that states that gender-shifting MUST turn out good looking/sexy, or the sexy police take you awayyyyyyy…


      1. If he had turned into a sere old crone, it would be an entirely different kind of joke: “Where was this blasted bottle sixty years ago!?”</em

    2. I think it means it’s equipped with WiFi.

  2. Geeze.. at his age, you’d think they’d sag! ^_-

  3. he’s going to be one of those types that will spend the next few days in his bunk, or in front of a mirror, having a real fun time.

    1. You know it! I know I would.


      1. Reminds me of an episode of ‘Farscape’ where Crichton changed bodies with Aeryn, and couldn’t resist standing in front of a mirror with her puppies showing (She was NOT pleased when she found out eventually ^_^)

        1. I remember that episode! I thought it was HILARIOUS!

          And for those of you who didn’t see it, here’s that scene:


        2. If I remember it correctly, Aeryn implied that she did the same with Crichton’s equipment at the end of the episode, when they were back in thier bodies.

      2. Same here!! 🙂

        1. Oops.
          Was supposed t’be a response to Jaycee’s response to anasazi. (August 6, 2012, 04:54am)

  4. No no, it IS surprised, cos that’s where the Wizard’s brains now reside.

  5. I waited a week for a guesty? >,< Not that it's a bad comic, just… You know…

    1. I’ll take it as a compliment.

      Next week, we resume the regularly scheduled strips. No matter what, there will never be more than 1 guest strip every month (most likely much less than that).


      1. LOL! No offence was intended to any party. The only problem I have wtih BF, is the once a week update! XD I enjoy reading this webcomic, just wish i could read it faster 😛 Keep up the good work!

  6. No no no, its the nipple moving to the perfect spot…think a “TADA!” moment

  7. I believe that’s the “hey! I got tits” moment. It will probably followed by a “Man, I Feel Like a Woman” moment.

    See link if you don’t know what I’m talking about.

  8. Say is the wizard Young and Beautiful, or is it a case of “Oho Grandma, What Hotness you Have” hard to tell given the art style? also the Girls are new they wouldn’t have had time to sag.

  9. This “guest comic” thing wouldn’t be an excuse for you to update even LESS frequently now, would it?

    1. No, not at all. The strip remains weekly. I truly wish I could update it 2-3 times a week, but the financials just don’t make sense. At least for now.


  10. “I enjoy be-ing a Wizaaaaard!”

  11. See that? It gave me a de-rection. That face was thrown together in a rush, just ugly.

  12. Comic strip mage missing

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