BF0070-Heather-<NEED TITLE>

Still in the wizard's lab, the Wizard and Aidan are facing each other. The wizard looks displeased at Aidan's somber mood. Aidan himself (standing up) is slouched forward, his arms hanging loosely, looking dejected. He's still naked, but the towels are hanging firmly at his crotch, held there by powerful twin erections.

Days later...


But you were doing so WELL!


Now look at you. You've lost all your confidence.



Close up on the Wizard, arms folded, scratching his cheek pensively with a crooked finger.


Maybe you don't need YOUR confidence...



Maybe you just need someone else's...

We pull away from the Wizard a bit, and see that he's standing next to the wall with his collection of female items (see Strip #12). One of them is Heather's hankerchief, which is what he's looking at. His face is brightening up.


And I think I know just WHOSE we can borrow...

Focus on Aidan, from the thighs up, who's looking in the general direction of his crotch. On the left side of the panel, the Wizard is holding with two fingers (left hand), offering it to Aidan. His right hand is pointing at Aidan's crotch. The Duke's expression is a mix of incredulity and skepticism.


(near left hand)

Here. You have to wear this.


Huh? Where?


(near right hand)



You're JOKING, right?