Page 1 BF0093-Heather- Panel 1 Castle corridor, in front of Heather's door. Thane is coming in from off-panel, still half-naked. He's glancing behind, looking worried. He has a hand on Heather's doorknob. THANE (thinking) She's not giving up! THANE (cont'd; thinking) I have to hide. Panel 2 Same view as the previous panel. The door is slightly ajar, and we see just a bit of Thane's face in the crack. In the foreground, Baby is racingpast the door. BABY Luv muffin! Where you'ze be? BABY Baby'z missing you'ze! Panel 3 From inside the room, we face Thane, who's leaning back against the closed door, looking relieved. He has both hands flat against the door. His erection serves as a coat hanger for most of his armor & gear. SFX (near door, not too loud/big) SLAM THANE (thinking) Phew! Looks like I finally lost her... Panel 4 Outside the room, Marie is approaching, carrying a bucket and holding a scrubbing brush. Thane isn't visible (he's on the other side of the door), but his thought continues in the caption. CAPTION "I should be safe, now..."