Page 1 BF0109-Heather-Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship Panel 1 Still in front of Heather's bedroom door, Patience and Nadia are straddling their helpless boy toy (who really doesn't seem to mind, as he's giving us a thumbs up). NADIA Ooh... W-what happened? PATIENCE Did... did we just...? Panel 2 Close-up on Patience, head bowed, blushing furiously. She's biting her lower lip with embarrassment. Panel 3 Same as Panel 2, except that Nadia's hand has lifted her chin up. Patience's eyes are open, now looking off-panel at Nadia. Panel 4 Same frame as Panel 3, but this time both women are kissing each other deeply. MALE GUARD (small/weak, from below, off-panel) MMMF!