Page 1 BF0117-Heather-Nowhere to Hide Panel 1 Lurker has left the "safety" of the tapestry, walking with some difficulty because she's got at hand between her legs. She still looks flushed with a lust that has only been increasing and remains unsatisfied. LURKER (thinking) Too many people around. LURKER (cont'd) I need some privacy. Panel 2 Lurker is in front of Heather's bedroom's door, squirming, thighs squeezing her hand. She's looking where Voices #1 & #2 are coming from, not noticing she's next to Heather's bedroom. She's wide eyed, obviously afraid to be caught. VOICE #1 (from left) I'll be in my chambers. Let no one disturb me. VOICE #2 (from left, responding to Voice #1) Very well, your Highness. LURKER !!! VOICE #3 (from right) Have you seen my potions? Panel 3 Lurker quickly enters Heather's chambers, leaving the door slightly ajar behind her (we see part of her from the back). LURKER (thinking) Gotta hide in here! Panel 4 Heather is at her door (now closed), her hand on the handle, about to go in. HEATHER (thinking) Just in time! It's almost the hour. HEATHER (cont'd) Wouldn't want to be in public when the bells ring...