Page 1 BF0133-Heather-Lurking in the Southern Lands Panel 1 Side view of Heather facing Lurker. These are going to be 4 similar panels where both characters are seen from the waist up. In this one, Heather is reaching towards Lurker's crotch to grab something down there. She looks angry. Lurker's expression is one of helpless terror. HEATHER You... Panel 2 Heather is tossing behind her the book that Lurker was holding at his crotch (previous strip). She has her other hand on his head. She is frowning and, cheeks red, biting her lower lip. It looks like desire is overcoming her. Lurker still looks terrified. HEATHER ...were... Panel 3 Heather is pushing Lurker's head down with the same hand, the other fanning her face. She is still frowning, but now it looks softer and her lips are half parted. Lurker's eyes are wide open and glancing toward her crotch (below panel) as he's realizing where this is headed. HEATHER ...not... Panel 4 Heather's head is thrown back, eyes shut, eyebrows arched. Her mouth is wide open as she's letting out a long moan of pleasure. Both her hands are holding down Lurker's head (now disappeared below panel). HEATHER ...FINISH~~ HEATHER (cont'd) Aaaaaah...