Page 1 BF0160-Heather-Superior Customer Service Panel 1 Exterior, forest, end of day. We're looking at a solitary building with a sign dangling from a pole near the stairs. It reads: "Cheerful Nymph Resthouse." Gustav is tied to a horizontal post, next to a trough. Some voices are coming from the resthouse (through the windows?). VOICE #1 Welcome to my inn, sir. VOICE #2 *AHEM* Thank you... my good man. Panel 2 Inside the inn, which is mostly empty. We're looking at Thane, sitting at a table that is covered by a red & white checkered cloth (it goes down below the panel, for reasons that will be evident in Panel 4.). Thane, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists on the table, is looking up at a burly gentleman with a thick, recurved moustache. That's ARMAND, the innkeeper. ARMAND Can I serve you some food, perhaps something to drink? THANE Heh heh... Ah... I mean, sure, yes, like you said. Panel 3 Focus on Armand, who's looking sideways with a raised eyebrow. Thane is still visible, now sweating and biting into his fist. ARMAND This is strange... I thought my daughter had come out here to serve the patrons... THANE *NGH* ARMAND You haven't seen her, by any chance? Panel 4 We zoom out and can now see that there's a young woman under the table, hidden by the tablecloth. We can't see her face, but she's on her knees and positioned in such a way that her head would be in Thane's lap. THANE I... Haa... have no idea... where she is.