Page 1 BF0168-Heather-TITLE TBD Panel 1 On the road, near the Shrine of Cathol where we first encountered Sisters Agnes and Charity (Strip #123). Mother Superior is standing in front of the altar. Slightly behind her and to the right, Sister Agnes and Sister Charity stand next to each other. If we look closely, we notice Sister Charity's hand is groping Sister Agnes's butt (but Agnes isn't reacting). MOTHER SUPERIOR This is where it happened? SISTER AGNES Yes, pretty much. Panel 2 Similar to panel 2. Mother Superior's head is slightly turned, but she keeps her eyes on the altar. Sisters Agnes and Charity are roughly in the same spot, but now Charity has slipped behind Agnes and is groping her boobs (one with each hand). Agnes looks over her shoulder with an expression of mild panic. Charity, however, just smiles pleasantly. MOTHER SUPERIOR And you just prayed? SISTER AGNES On our knees, yes. SISTER AGNES (whispering) Stop it! Panel 3 Focus on Agnes and Charity (torso shot). Charity is lifting one Agnes's boobs, her fingers pushing into the flesh. The other hand is below frame, probably doing what we're all thinking it's doing. Agnes is looking forward, biting her lower lip and blushing. Charity looks unperturbed, as always, and whispers into Agnes's ear. Mother Superior is off-panel. SISTER AGNES (whispering) No! She's going to see us! SISTER CHARITY (whispering) That's why it's so hot. Panel 4 Similar to panel 2. Mother Superior is on her knees, praying behind the altar. Agnes is on her knees too, spread wide to give better access to Charity's hand. Charity is right there with her, one hand groping her crotch, the other mashing her boobs, and she's kissing Agnes on the neck, always smiling... MOTHER SUPERIOR I'm not feeling anything... SISTER AGNES D-don't stop... SISTER CHARITY (whispering) Okay, as you wish...