Page 1 BF0169-Heather-A Finger-Lickin' Good Idea Panel 1 In Thane's room, Lara is pushing the Girl who's been screwing Thane out the door. The Girl's cheeks are flushed and she still looks pretty horny. She's holding her clothes in front of her crotch. Lara looks annoyed and unmoved by the girl's pleas. Her medallion is glowing slightly red. For this strip and the next one, we'll show the necklace glowing slightly more red (though she won't be noticing it for a bit). LARA All right, that's enough. LARA Out you go. GIRL Hey! I wasn't... Panel 2 Outside Thane's room, the naked girl is standing with her back to the door, trying to cover her breasts and crotch with her clothes (not doing a great job, as far as the boobs are concerned, of course). The door slams behind her. Lara gives her some follow-up advice through the door. GIRL --finished? SFX (near door) SLAM LARA (through door) You have hands. Use them. Panel 3 Torso shot of the girl (and her big boobs) as she's looking down at her hands (straight down, off-panel) and blushing. GIRL ... Panel 4 The girl has slouched down the door and is now half-resting against it, her body stretching on the floor. Her knees are bent but spread widely, and her hands are actively working her crotch and boobs. (Of course, the angle is such that we don't see the details, but the idea is there...). GIRL That's not a bad idea... GIRL MmmMmmh...