Page 1 BF0170-Heather-A Familiar Face Panel 1 Lara is next to Thane's bed, where Thane is lying on his stomach. She's tied his legs together and she's in the process of thing his forearms together in his back. Thane is now half-awake, his head facing us. He still looks sleepy. Lara's smile is somewhat malicious. (Her necklace is glowing redder than the previous strip.) LARA Okay, back to you, Sir Thane... THANE Zzz-- W-whut? THANE Who... uh... calls my name? Panel 2 Lara is dragging Thane by the shoulders, leading him to the window through which she came. His head and torso are in the frame, but the lower half of his body is off-panel. (Her necklace is glowing redder than the previous panel.) LARA My name's Lara, but you probably don't remember me. LARA You and I have to go somewhere. Panel 3 Thane is sitting on the window sill, with Lara facing him. He's looking straight at her chest, his face brightening up with recognition! Of course he recognizes THOSE! Lara's expression is one of intense annoyance (deadpan face?). (Her necklace is glowing redder than the previous panel.) THANE Wait, I remember those! THANE You're Lara BUTTERFACE!!! LARA ... Panel 4 Lara is in front of the window, one arm extended straight as she's just pushed Thane off the window. Thane's legs are still visible as he's falling off, screaming. If Lara's face is visible, she looks pretty upset at her surname ("Butterface"). If her necklace is visible, it's glowing redder than the previous panel. THANE (no balloon, text curving to follow Thane's trajectory) WAAAAAH!