Page 1 BF0179-Heather-Periscope Down! Panel 1 In the archives, focus on Lurker (foreground) and the Sorceress (background). Lurker has his back to the Sorceress and is biting all ten nails at once, a look of profound distress on his face. The Sorceress looks thoughful, not paying him much attention. LURKER Cannot... unsee... SORCERESS (thinking) Maybe he could help... Panel 2 The Sorceress is grabbing Lurker by the shoulders, turning him forcefully to face her. He has one hand over his eyes, hesitantly peeking through slightly parted fingers. SORCERESS You. Look at me! LURKER Do I HAVE to? SORCERESS Did you hear us talk? Panel 3 Narrow panel. We're looking at Lurker alone. He's looking slightly up, as if trying to recall something. LURKER Um... yes, a little. LURKER Something about faeries... LURKER (cont'd, overlapping the gutter to panel 4) ...and spiders. Panel 4 Wider panel. The Sorceress is down on the ground, knees splayed, one hand on the ground, the other half-covering her embarrassed/flushed face. Lurker is standing to the side, leaning down to look at her, his expression puzzled and concerned. SORCERESS (no balloon) NGH! HERMAN DIVE! DIVE! DIVE! VELVET LURKER Are you okay?