Page 1 BF0224-Heather-Admission Panel 1 Heather is in front of mirror, adjusting her dress. The faerie is perched on Mirror's "shoulder," looking at Heather with a casual attitude. Caption Soon after. HEATHER Are you SERIOUS?!? HEATHER But I really NEED to... you know... HEATHER (cont'd) GET there. FAERIE I imagine you do. Panel 2 Heather is the center of the frame. Behind her, a naked Mirror Marie is quietly exiting the room, carrying her clothes over her arm. The faerie is flying in from the side, hovering close to Heather. If she's large enough for this to be relevant, she's smiling and looking at Heather through narrowed eyes. HEATHER B-but that's not FAIR! HEATHER I get to have all this GREAT sex, but not the reward! FAERIE Oh, so you're ENJOYING the sex? Panel 3 Heather pauses, looking confused. The faerie looks on smugly. HEATHER ... Panel 4 Close-up on Heather, head bowed slightly (we don't see her eyes). She's blushing. HEATHER (large balloon, small font, like the text is lost in all that white space) Yes.