Page 1 BF0231-Heather-Test Drive Panel 1 Heather-as-nun and the faerie are in a corridor, moving side by side. Heather-as-Nun looks down at her body critically. The faerie floats near her, waiting patiently for what she's just told Heather to sink in. HEATHER-AS-NUN So this is someone ELSE's body? FAERIE That's right. Panel 2 Similar layout to Panel 1. Heather-as-nun raises an eyebrow, looking at the faerie. HEATHER-AS-NUN And it doesn't have any of my old curses? FAERIE That's what I said. Panel 3 Closer shot of Heather-as nun, hefting up her (big) boobs. She's half-closed her eyes, lips slightly parted. The faerie is out of the shot. HEATHER-AS-NUN (thinking) Those feel... good! Panel 4 Heather-as-nun (her cheeks blushing furiously) is entering a door marked "PRIVY" (seen in strip #164). The faerie is looking at her with a big approving smile. HEATHER-AS-NUN Do you think I could...? FAERIE Only if I can watch!