Page 1 BF0244-Heather-That... or Wrong Door Panel 1 Tiny panel (a third of normal size?) top left of Panel 2, framing a bell bolted at the top of a door. It rings as the door opens. SFX (near top of door & bell) DING Panel 2 A handsome priest walks in. He's in his forties with a bit of gray at the temples (think Reed Richards). The Sausage Queen, behind a counter, greets him, a bright smile on her face. PRIEST Good morning. SAUSAGE QUEEN Father Vladimir! What a pleas-- Panel 3 Narrow panel closing up on part of the Sausage Queen's face. We only see one eye, wide with surprise. SAUSAGE QUEEN OH! Panel 4 Father Vladimir is looking at the Sausage Queen with concern. Her face is all red and contorted, like she's constipated or something (*WE* know what's going on, but the good father doesn't). FATHER VLADIMIR Praise Cathol! Are you all right? SAUSAGE QUEEN I... NGH!! Ooh... Panel 5 We zoom in on the two faeries standing behind the Sausage Queen's skirt. The "sausage tentacle" is snaking its way under her skirt. The older faerie is casting magic at it, her arm outstretched, frowning with effort. Little Attitude is looking at her with concern. LITTLE ATTITUDE Wow, that looks really difficult. FAERIE She's... really... uptight.