Page 1 BF0249-Heather-TITLE TBD Panel 1 Half-height panel. Extreme close-up on the side of Baby's face, who's glaring to the right, her jaw set with determination. VOICE (top of panel) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand-- Panel 2 Half-height panel, straight under Panel 1. Extreme close-up on the side of Nadia's face, who's glaring to the right with a fierce smile. Panel 3 Very wide panel. In the foreground, Baby and Nadia are hunched over a table, their left hands locked for arm wrestling. Baby's very large boobs are resting on the table, all big and round. Just past them, Lucky is shouting "GO!" A bit off to the right, Karma is tilting her head toward Patience (next to her), her expression a bit skeptical. Patience just smiles. LUCKY (cont'd from VOICE in Panel 1; very loud) GO! KARMA All this for a round of beer? PATIENCE Nadia likes competition.