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#62: Orks Have Feelings Too

43 thoughts on “#62: Orks Have Feelings Too

  1. Are you going for some kind of Batiuk award for saddest comic strip?

    1. Well, um… In this case, I thought it was kinda funny that this huge, powerful, threatening ork would be all fragile and weak inside. It was a contrast thing. Honest. I wasn’t going for drama!


      1. Yet you did, anyway! :p

        Seriously, seeing even someone huge and powerful break due to emotional agony is going to strike a chord with anyone who’s ever been taunted and hurt emotionally in high school and isn’t a complete sociopath. It’s one of the things that can draw compassion from people most of the time.

      2. you wherent one of those kids that where ever taunted as the ugly one, are you? Just lemme tell ya, they’re broken inside.

      3. I thought you went for boobies .. ’cause they’re huge ! 🙂

        1. FINALLY someone gets me. 😉


        2. Maybe if she has sex with him, they gets even BIGGER ! 😀

  2. Looks like he’s gonna need a completely different kind of magic touch for this. Shame on you, Thane, even if she’s ugly you should be more gentlemenly.

  3. ok, her breaking down in tears was totally unexpected.

    1. Preferable to her breaking Thane in half though, surely?

  4. Not to go all Shrek on you, but how is she upset that a human doesn’t find her attractive? For all we know, she could be a totally hot ork.

    1. She’s the only Orc we’ve seen so far. Maybe ‘Baby’ grew up among humans as an orphan, and the people she knows have been too kind to say something like this until now.

  5. Up until now no one mentioned it?
    The only explanation is Thane is a bigot who
    applies his concept of beauty to non-humans.

  6. Bad form, Thane. Bad. Form!

  7. Awww… there’s always make up sex….

  8. I’ve been on that receiving end of things so many times i’ve lost count. <:( Made me very very sad to see Baby cry like that.

  9. Well….he seems honest to a fault, at least. Mind the fault tends to work against him more often than not. You can also tell he did not really want to say it…and seems to feel bad for the reaction it engendered.

  10. Please tell me that is part of his curse. Please, for the love of intelligence, tell me that he is not THAT stupid.

    1. Sad to say, I can’t recall the faerie messing with Thane’s intellect at all.

    2. If you go back to a few comics from the very start, Thane can’t even count to 50. I’d say he really is that stupid.

  11. Not sure if I would have used grotesque, seams a bit harsh but at the end of the day a bit pain from truth will hurt a lot less than a lie.
    Think I’d still like to see her rape Thane, so the other part of the curse can come into play. 😕

  12. aww, poor thing! At least he was sweet and patted her shoulder, and I do appreciate his honesty. Still, I think this one backfired on you this time Jaycee. Well, let’s have him bang her pretty already!

  13. Hmmm…

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if they *did* do the Horizontal Mamba and Thane discovered that he liked Ork booty, just in time for Baby to drop kick him to the moon. Speaking of which, that’s what I was expecting to see this time around. I have to say, Bloomin’ Faeries is full of surprises. Never quite what you’d expect to see.

    And Wondollar’s art is stellar, as usual.

  14. Hey give Thane some credit…even in the face of the ugly possibility of being pounded into ground hamburger, he told the truth.

    1. Though it just occured to me that the ultimate irony in the next strip would be a bunch of local guys advancing on Thane with clubs and torches, shouting: “He made Baby Cry! Kill him!”

      1. That would be delightfully amusing. 🙂

  15. “No one puts Baby in the corner!”

    1. I promised myself I wouldn’t do any “baby” jokes. 🙂


  16. I just found it amusing how Thane actually managed to use some thought proccess, but missed that if it worked, it should already have worked.

    Then again, maybe he didn’t notice it’s automatic since his horse tries to divert his attention.

    And she cried because even if she thinks she’s alright for orcs standards, she will still feel sad if anyone, from any race, says she’s ugly.

    1. You’re asking a LOT of poor Sir Thane… Me, I’m very proud he was even able to do that thought process in the first place.


  17. Oh my god that was sad! It broke my heart D:
    But well, lets hope Thane and his maging wang can give her some happiness… and a better face

    1. I hope that it fixes her tusk and leaves the rest of her Perfectly Orkishly Hawt.

  18. First Marie, now poor Baby… something troubling you there, Jaycee?
    Mate, d’you need a hug and some cocoa? We’re all sharing the love if you’re hurting. We’ll love and tolerate the shit out of you!

    1. … You’ve been reading Does Not Play Well With Others, haven’t you?

      1. 😀 No, but thanks for the suggestion. Just checked it out, love it.

        1. The phrase ‘love and tolerate the shit out of you’ made me think you’d already seen it. ^^ Have fun in there.

        2. well, there can only be so much creativity in the world, there’s bound to be some fragments of it zooming around and we’re forced to share 😀
          I read it all, you, sir, made my day!

        3. Made me think of the “gorek the magnanimous” strip from Oglaf. “I would find him and forgive him, I would forgive the shit out of him”.

        4. Now Oglaf I do know 🙂 But the reference was purely unintentional.
          And the offer still stands Jaycee.

        5. Heh. 😉

          Lose the rabbits, and we’ll talk. 😀


  19. Rabbits stay, they’re good at tolerating and loving.

  20. I get a bad feeling about this; she isn’t being effected by the lust portion of the curse; maybe the curse doesn’t work on orks..

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