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#61: For Thou Art a Double-Bagger

34 thoughts on “#61: For Thou Art a Double-Bagger

  1. He’s thinking–he’s ACTUALLY thinking.

    Sort of.

    1. Don’t let the blond hair fool you. There’s a genius in there. Somewhere. Buried deep…


      1. Though he’s been likely buried so deep, that at this point said genius is probably fossilized at this point.

        1. Well, Thane might be a military genius. He managed to lead a fairly big army, after all.

        2. Only by status and appearances. He’s a knight who is big and heroic looking, so one would “assume” he can lead and army. He reminds me of Zap Brannagen from Futurama whose most cunning plans are so basic their actually wasteful. Not exactly Sun-Tsu brilliant, or even Patton.

        3. There’s no need to be insulting. Unlike Brannegan, Thane appears to just be dim, not criminally insane. :p

        4. I suppose your right. He does seem more genuine in his heroic actions when he feels he “needs” to be. He’s just isn’t very aware of the big picture, or of the smaller details as it were in this story.

    2. His logic is excellent… he failed to factor the fact that “you are repulsive, have sex with me so that I magically turn you pretty” is NOT the best thing to say to a woman who can life you off the ground with one hand.

  2. The problem here is obvious. Just because it’s self-evident to us that orcs are ugly, and this one particularly so, they don’t think of themselves as unattractive.

    1. Also, I’m not sure whether Orcs are susceptible to the curses on Thane; this is the first non-human woman we’ve seen him with, as far as I know. If he offends her and there’s no magic to attract her to him and shut down her higher thinking, weeeeeellll… She could open him like a tin can and tenderize him like beef.

  3. I donno that orc doesn’t look so happy in that last panel… She could be more insulted then flattered… I mean check out that clenched fist.

    1. That’s just Orcish foreplay. They’re like Klingons only moreso…

  4. The orcs don’t think of themselves as unattractive and she does seem to be insulted in that last panel.

    Though to Thane’s credit, it seems he is trying to be nice. It’s also nice to see he uses his curse for good.

    1. It’s usually the other way around; the curses use Thane for the faeries’ amusement…

  5. From the second panel where she’s telling him to be careful so he doesn’t hurt himself, I would say that she is as of yet unaffected by his curse.

    1. Hmm…in the strip just before this one, there were some faerie ‘effects’ to be seen around the she-orc. Maybe they were accidentally left out…? It’s happened before.

      1. Whoopsie. I stand corrected. I’ll go back to my corner now. O__o


  7. He’s no Zapp Branigan but he shares some of the interests of James T. Kirk!

    “Once you go green…… Something something.”

    At least he’ll have a nice view at the time. (Motorboat sound sound).

  8. I really want to see where this will go =D

  9. Even with or especially because of that thought process, his best bet would have been to keep his trap shut.

  10. His “gift” may not even work here. Look at the size difference, unless he is….you know. It would be like stoking a fireplace with a stick. *sage nod*

    1. The expression I heard was “throwing a pencil down a hallway”.

  11. In the forums I remember you saying you would have to give the possibility of other races careful consideration. Looks like you’ve made a decision. I can’t wait to see if you introduce any others. ^_~

    1. I can only guess as to what situation you may have for introducing elves.

  12. I can’t believe what he said, but in another way, this guy is probably a role model for all theses so-called “webcomics heroes”.

  13. Death by Snu Snu!

  14. I hope he eventually finds the ugly maid, has sex with her and makes her permanently beautiful. That would be a good use of his power.

    1. She’s not ugly, but does have a poor self image due to her weight.
      (That, and she was temporallily a Super Model with Boobs beautiful.)

  15. Oooh… Yes, the maid. You are right : HE is the solution. I also wonder what are her in little prince feeling for each other, now.

  16. The curse isn’t affecting the Orc woman. She would have done him by now. All the Human women are “slutting” out due to the curse, but the orc woman remains in control.

  17. what is the word for an ugly fetish?

  18. Teratophilia

    Deformed or monstrous people?

    1. ugly is turpis, by the use of

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