Blog: Friday, Nov 27

I’m not sure if this is coincidence, but I doubt it. Where faeries are concerned, especially considreing their weird relationship with time, coincidences are generally just another word for mischief.

Friday, Attitude was in a furious mood. When I asked her what was wrong, she went into a long tirade about some half-botched, sloppy investigation. She cursed at some people whose names and titles escaped me, complained about processes that made no sense, and fumed about spells that just aren’t as dedicated to their work as they used to be. When she was finally done, she looked at me and realized how confused I was. With a sigh, she summed it up.

“Remember that ‘mysterious faerie’ from not long ago?”

After I scratched my head for a few seconds, it dawned on me. “Oh yeah, Old Crow’s faerie!” I paused. “You call that ‘not long ago?’ That was almost THREE YEARS ago!”

“Precisely. Well, I’ve just heard news. They can’t find her. Worse yet, they’re saying I made it up. MADE IT UP!!!”

I could see she was getting riled up again. An angry faerie is never a good thing.

“Well,” I said, “if it’s any consolation, I believe you. I know you didn’t make it up.”

She glared at me, then quieted down a little. “Bah. Your opinion doesn’t really matter.” She shrugged and flew out the window. My guess is, some people on the street had a very unusual day.

I might be reading too much into this, but if the faerie court finished its “investigation” and concluded the mysterious faerie that tormented Morgan Reiss isn’t real, maybe it’s because that faerie was laying low during the investigation. Now that it’s “over,” maybe it’s ready to resume its mischief again.

Which might explain what happened to Jo the week before.

“I’m doing it.”

One thought on “Blog: Friday, Nov 27

  1. Makes sense.

    I think Attitude may have sort of appreciated what you said. She didn’t take her frustrations out on you, after all. And even with your shiny new spell resistance, she easily could have done so…

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