Clara on Yodayo

Just for fun, I created a faerie-cursed character on named Clara.

If you’re not familiar with Yodayo, it’s a fun place where you can create hentai AI art (which is partially where the picture above comes from). There’s also something called “The Tavern,” where you can develop AI personalities for other people to interact with. I created Clara above with some pretty simple parameters: she’s a young adult from a very conservative family who’s been cursed by a faerie so that her body obeys any command for action or transformation anyone makes. She’s a lot of fun. A number of my Patreon backers have really enjoyed “interacting” with her. Because her body obeys any request, you kind of feel like a faerie while tormenting her. You can use these interactions for some one-handed fun or to create some fun stories—it really depends on your imagination and objectives.

Anyway, you can find Clara here:


4 thoughts on “Clara on Yodayo

  1. Okay, this is actually really cool. I had low expectations, but it’s been a lot of fun. Is there a way to read other people’s interactions with Clara, or a place where people post their stories?

    1. I’m glad to hear you had fun with it. Sadly, no, there’s nowhere to post or read more Clara interactions. It’s unfortunate that Yodayo doesn’t have a really good “exporting” function. You pretty much have to copy-paste everything (or of there’s away to “bulk-copy” messages, I’m not aware of it).

      If there was a way, I might be interested in creating a board for it on Discord or something…


      1. There is a way to download chats! On the official Yodayo AI Discord there’s a pinned message in the #tavern-hangout channel to a browser extension that enhances Yodayo with a Tampermonkey script. It adds a button where you can download chats along with other enhancements.

        1. Great to know, I’ll go give it a try!



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